绿联docker部署pihole 绿联nas缺点 本人欲组一台nas服务器。硬件本身是10多年前的老机子。需要在具有nas功能的基础上还能开一些自定义服务,且需要用到已有的公网ipv6地址。在试用了多款系统后总结出各个系统的优缺点。 esxi: ++ 支持虚拟机直接与硬件直接交互 ++ 虚拟机性能比PVE,unraid的都要好 – 安装太麻烦,...
By default, docker does not include the NET_ADMIN capability for non-privileged containers, and it is recommended to explicitly add it to the container using --cap-add=NET_ADMIN. However, if DHCP and IPv6 Router Advertisements are not in use, it should be safe to skip it. For the most...
Hello everyone, I have just installed the image on my QNAP NAS. So far it runs fine, but unfortunately my pihole gets no ipv6 address, although this is both in the container station and in the pihole configuration on. Unfortunately, I do...
Proxmox(PVE)下LEDE(Openwrt)的安装教程 爱快(Ikuai)+Openwrt下使用IPv6 Proxmox VE(PVE)直通显卡 踩坑经验 Proxmox(PVE)下安装FreeNAS教程 (Ubuntu)docker部署pihole和Adguard去广告 ArchLinux上使用docker部署pihole与adguard Proxmox(PVE)连接UPS实现自动关机(基于APCUPSD) 更新Proxmox(PVE)版本 参考资料...
某一天,我在使用 docker 的时候遇到个奇怪的问题,在容器里面发起 https 请求报了个错。 经过测试发现...
某一天,我在使用 docker 的时候遇到个奇怪的问题,在容器里面发起 https 请求报了个错。 经过测试发现...
Please refer to the Pi-hole docker repo to use the Official Docker Images. Post-install: Make your network take advantage of Pi-hole Once the installer has been run, you will need to configure your router to have DHCP clients use Pi-hole as their DNS server which ensures that all devices...
该项目是一款基于Shell的pi-hole DNS广告拦截器,包含99个文件,涵盖多种语言和格式,如19个shell脚本、16个SQL文件、10个YAML配置、10个Dockerfile、10个INI配置等。pi-hole能够高效拦截广告内容,保护设备安全,同时具备快速响应、轻量级设计和高颜值仪表盘等特性,支持IPv4和IPv6广告屏蔽,安装便捷,仅需十分钟即可完成配置...
Similar to AdGuard Home, there are a number of ways you can setup Pi-Hole on different devices. One key to note here is that the options are Linux-based only unless you are comfortable going the Docker route on Windows or MacOS.