Note:Use Pi-Hole As DNS on Windows 11. Note:How to Activate Dark Mode in Pi-Hole. Note: Mandatory is to upgrade yourSynology NAS RAM memory. Why do you need more RAM? To be more responsive! You will not use Synology NAS just for Docker. Pi-hole needs a minimum of 512 MB of RAM... Resources Readme License View license Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 2 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository Releases 52 tags Packages No packages published Languages Shell 79.7% Python 9.6% PHP 3.8% CSS 3.3% Roff 3.2% Dockerfile 0.4% Footer...
Docker Pi-hole container (x86 and ARM) Pi-Hole in the cloud Pie in the Sky-Hole [A Pi-Hole in the cloud for ad-blocking via DNS] Pi-hole Enable/Disable Button Minibian Pi-hole CHiP-hole: Network-wide Ad-blocker Chrome Extension: Pi-Hole List Editor (Source Code) Splunk: Pi-hole ...
There are several ways to install AdGuard Home edition as you can install it on a full operating system, or run it as a Docker container. You can run the container using either the Docker run command or using Docker compose code. Setting up AdGuard Home DNS server is a simple process: ...
Monitor ESXi, Synology, Docker, PiHole and Raspberry Pi and Windows using Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf - chvvkumar/Monitoring
Windows Installer Android play store F-Droid iOS For MacOS or Linux installation see download link After you've set up your WireGuard server with one or the desired amount of peers you can show your WireGuard tunnel config as QR-code: docker exec -it wireguard /app/show-peer <peer-name> ...
I am running Docker 18.06.1-ce on Windows 10.0.17134.286 and Pi-Hole 4.0. Seems like the only fix is to not use Docker for Pi-Hole if you want to see the requesting client IP address. Just wanted to make sure I am not missing a fix somewhere before I try it without Docker. fil...
Coverage Pi-hole Projects Packages No packages published Languages Shell79.7% Python9.6% PHP3.8% CSS3.3% Roff3.2% Dockerfile0.4%
Monitor ESXi, Synology, Docker, PiHole and Raspberry Pi and Windows using Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf - hilevin/Monitoring