“Pig in a poke.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pig%20in%20a%20poke. Accessed 24 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of pig in a poke to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of pig in a poke on Twitte...
Define pig in a poke. pig in a poke synonyms, pig in a poke pronunciation, pig in a poke translation, English dictionary definition of pig in a poke. n. 1. a. Any of various mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, hooves with two weight-bearing
每日英语,”挂羊头卖..Sell a pig in a bag.挂羊头卖狗肉字面意思看呢,是在包里卖猪,那我们能在包里卖吗?不能对不对,所以在这里呢需要理解在地道口语中的意思,为以欺骗顾客的手法销售商品,即挂羊头卖狗肉。
a pig in a poke 英[ə piɡ in ə pəuk] 美[e pɪɡ ɪn e pok] 释义 瞎买的东西,盲目接受的东西 实用场景例句 全部 You mustn't buya pig in a poke. You mightn't like it. 你不要不问好坏地乱买东西, 你也许会不喜欢它的....
"A pig in a poke" 这个习语源于中世纪英国,poke 意指一种袋子或袋状物品。在当时的市场上,有些不诚实的商人会将一只袋子里的东西描述为一只宝贵的猪,吸引消费者购买。然而,当消费者购买后,打开袋子时却发现里面只有一只普通的猫或其他价值较低的动物。因此,"a pig in a poke" 指的是购买者在未经确认...
Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
a pig in a poke盲目购买的东西‘poke’在这里指的是‘bag’。短语‘a pig in a poke’最早记录在约翰·海伍德1562年的《谚语集》中。在很久很久以前,猫是不值钱的,而乳猪则比猫昂贵得多。因此,在每周一次、游人如...
Define pig porphyria. pig porphyria synonyms, pig porphyria pronunciation, pig porphyria translation, English dictionary definition of pig porphyria. n. Any of several disorders of porphyrin metabolism, usually hereditary, characterized by the presence o
我们要学的第一个习惯用语是: Buy a pig in a poke。Poke在这儿解释口袋。Buy a pig in a poke是个很古老的习惯用语,至少有五百年的历史了。它来自一个滑头的人耍弄别人的一个故事。这个人说他的口袋里有一头小肥猪要出卖,而买主居然笨得不看一眼就买下...
A pig in a poke 如果有人要卖给你"a pig in a poke",那你可要留意啦。因为"a pig in a poke"可不是什么小香猪、口袋猪,而可能是会让你后悔的冲动购物哦! 这一表达是源自从前商贩用猫充当乳猪来卖。那时有骗子拎着一只乳猪靠近买家,声称这只是样品,...