Define A pig in a poke. A pig in a poke synonyms, A pig in a poke pronunciation, A pig in a poke translation, English dictionary definition of A pig in a poke. a blind bargain; something bought or bargained for, without the quality or the value being kno
: something offered in such a way as to obscure its real nature or worth unwilling to buy a pig in a poke Word History First Known Use 1555, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of pig in a poke was in 1555 See more words from the same year ...
经历了这一出“挂羊头卖狗肉”,人们就长了记性,用"a pig in a poke"比喻冲动购买的东西。 A pig in a poke:冲动购买的东西;未经过目而购进的货 * something bought or received without prior sight or knowledge As a careless person, she always buys...
a pig in a poke的意思是“something that you buy or accept without first seeing it or finding out if it is good”,即“未看过的东西,不知优劣的东西,盲目购买(或接受)的东西”。这句习语源于15世纪。这里的poke就等同于“bag”,在当时,售卖小猪的商人往往把小猪放在袋子里,所以看不到小猪具体...
昨日答案 —C “a pig in a poke”表示“盲目购买的东西” “poke”是“袋子”的意思,字面解释为猪装进袋子里你是看不到的,不仔细检查就购买,可能会受骗。暗指“盲目购买的东西” @四六级一笑而过 #单词挑战# #一起做个题# Pig是猪,那你知道“a pig in a poke”表示什么意思吗? R四六级一笑而过的...
a pig in a poke如何读 英:[ə piɡ in ə pəuk] 美:[e pɪɡ ɪn e pok] a pig in a poke是什么意思 瞎买的东西,盲目接受的东西 a pig in a poke英英释义 noun phrase something usually of poor quality that someone buys or accepts without knowing much about it ...
A pig in a poke 如果有人要卖给你"a pig in a poke",那你可要留意啦。因为"a pig in a poke"可不是什么小香猪、口袋猪,而可能是会让你后悔的冲动购物哦! 这一表达是源自从前商贩用猫充当乳猪来卖。那时有骗子拎着一只乳猪靠近买家,声称这只是样品,其余的都在袋子里。买家付了钱之后,打开袋子才大呼上...
buy a pig in a poke 美 英 na.不看清货色就买;隔山买牛;不管好坏乱买;不顾后果地承担义务 英汉 na. 1. 不看清货色就买 2. 瞎买东西,隔山买牛 3. 买下没有过目的东西,不管好坏乱买;不顾后果地承担义务,盲目负责
a pig in a poke 盲目购买(或接受)的东西 "A pig in a poke" 这个习语源于中世纪英国,poke 意指一种袋子或袋状物品。在当时的市场上,有些不诚实的商人会将一只袋子里的东西描述为一只宝贵的猪,吸引消费者购买。然而,当消费者购买后,打开袋子时却发现里面只有一只普通的猫或其他价值较低的动物。因此,"...
A pig in a poke A pig in a poke指“盲目购买”“冲动购买的东西“;是因为在中世纪的英国,有许多卖猪的贩子在繁荣的市集中行骗,通常只会摆一只小猪在架上做样品,其他的猪则装在袋中。客人购买时,也不打开袋子检查,直到回到家才发现袋子里是野猫。因此,后来便用a pig in a poke表示不经过检查便“冲动地...