indicating the approximate regions of each of the half-turns is depicted in Fig.1a. The dissection of the cochleas into turns and the thinning of each turn for subsequent whole mount immunolabeling were carried out by hand. During the original experiments, the cochleas were immunolabeled as fo...
The hearts were perfused by the Langendorff technique. Bradycardia was induced by dissection of the sinus node, and prolongation of the QT interval by infusion of two inhibitors of the sodium channel inactivation, veratridine and DPI 201-106. TdP equivalents were triggered reproducibly by ...
To investigate the impact of aT. gondiiinfection onT. gondiiDNA loads in the offspring, various offspring tissues and organs were analyzed for the presence and amount ofT. gondiiDNA by qPCR using aT. gondii-specific 529-bp repeat element. Of all offspring (n = 53) obtained from all 26...
Under aseptic conditions, a midline incision was made around the neck region, allowing for blunt dissection and exposure of the right common carotid artery and the left external jugular vein. A PE-50 catheter was advanced into the right common carotid artery for measurement of the arterial ...