AIM: To investigate cellular 5-HT4(-h/+h) receptor distribution, particularly in the epithelial layer, by laser mi-crodissection and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in porcine gastrointestinal (GI) tissues. METHODS: A stepwise approach was used to evaluate RNA quality and to study cell-specific...
We next compared the Cq values obtained by qPCR as a proxy forT. gondiiDNA load between the different tissue and organ samples of all different infection groups. Cq values were significantly lower in the offspring brain compared with that of heart, lung and spleen (Fig.5, Additional file2: ...
AIM: To investigate cellular 5-HT4(-h/+h) receptor distribution, particularly in the epithelial layer, by laser mi-crodissection and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in porcine gastrointestinal (GI) tissues. METHODS: A stepwise approach was used to evaluate RNA quality and to study cell-specific...