Turning to the first chart, we can observe that boys prefer playing computer games (34% participation rate) than taking other activities. Playing basketball comes as the second most popular leisure, practiced by almost a third of male children. Basketball is followed by soccer, which is exercised...
【篇一:雅思小作文范例鉴赏之饼图(pie chart)】 智课网ielts备考资料 雅思小作文范例鉴赏之饼图(pie chart) 摘要:饼图(pie chart)是雅思写作task 1里常考的题型之一,其写作非常值得我们深入研究。现专供一饼图的写作范例与各位“雅友”一起分享,期望对大家的饼图写作带去一些启发和帮助。 饼图(pie chart)是...
IELTS TASK1---pie chart ByHawk 写作步骤(Procedure)Step1:seeingthebigpicture 1.Howmanyactivitiesarethereineachchart?–Justcount2.Aretheactivitiesthesameineachchart?–Readthekey3.Arethereanychangesinpopularitybetweenthetwoyears?–Lookatthecolors Step2:choosethedetailstoinclude 1.thebiggestnumber/the...
Are the activities the same in each chart? – Read the key 3. Are there any changes in popularity between the two years? – Look at the colors Step2: choose the details to include 1. the biggest number / the smallest number 2. what’s gone up / what’s gone down 3. what hasn’...
「新东方雅思官方网校」为您提供饼状图雅思Task 1 题型练习答案解析,解读雅思饼状图Task 1 题型练习和提分技巧,更多雅思IELTS考试报名咨讯,雅思写作练习,请及时关注新东方在线雅思频道更新。
The first chart shows the reasons why some people in the UK prefer to cycle to work. Conversely, the second chart gives reasons for those who choose to go to work by car. The highest percentage of those who favourcyclingsay that this is because riding a bicycle to work is healthier than...
The pie chart compares fuel source Aus and Fra in terms of their electricity output in units between the year 1980 and 2000. Overall, there was a significant change in the units of electricity produced by fuel source of two countries shown on the graph. It is clear that the year 2000 wit...
IELTS Pie Charts The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years. Source: Above pie charts not created by IELTS Liz. Pie Chart Sample Answer The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of five sources of energy production (coal, gas, ...
piechart英语作文【篇一:雅思小作文范例鉴赏之饼图(piechart)】 智课网ielts备考资料 雅思小作文范例鉴赏之饼图(piechart)摘要: 饼图(pie chart)是雅思写作task1里常考的题型之一,其写作非常值得我们进一步研究。现专供一饼图的写作范例与各位“雅友”一起分享,盼望对人们的饼图写作带去某些启发和协助。 饼图(...