academic writing task 1 vocabulary for pie charts Percent, per cent, % = per 100 The pie chart above depicts energy generation by fuel type in the UK in the year 2014 Sentence patterns The energy produced by oil accounted for 4 percent of the total energy in 2014 The energy produced by ...
How to write a pie chart in IELTS task 1? Try to divide the information into two groups. Focus on trends and exceptions for an easy way to do this. Think of synonyms for the keywords and most important numbers – for example, 20% is a fifth. How do you describe a pie chart vocabu...
IELTS TASK1---pie chart ByHawk 写作步骤(Procedure)Step1:seeingthebigpicture 1.Howmanyactivitiesarethereineachchart?–Justcount2.Aretheactivitiesthesameineachchart?–Readthekey3.Arethereanychangesinpopularitybetweenthetwoyears?–Lookatthecolors Step2:choosethedetailstoinclude 1.thebiggestnumber/the...
Write in brief the main trends. Describe the first chart. Tell about the activities on the boys' chart and their popularity. Uselinking structuresandvocabulary to describe graphs. Describe the second chart. Tell about the activities on the girls' chart and their popularity. Usewords from academic...
Pie Chart Vocabulary There is really no special language that you need to know in order to describe pie charts. There are no unique features that require unusual vocabulary. Instead, you need a good knowledge of language that would also help you for line graphs, tables, and so on. ...
•Piechartsgenerallyshowfiguresinpercentagesandyourlanguageinwritingthereportshouldreflectthis…•Youwillreceiveahighermarkifyourwritingusesarangeofstructuresandvocabularycorrectlyratherthanalimitednumber…Usefulexpressions •Thehighest/greatest/lowest/most/smallest+percentage/proportion/number+of…•Themost/second...
IELTS pie chart Task 1 questions are often seen on the IELTS Writing exam. Given below are some IELTS Pie Chart topics, examples with explanations, and helpful tips. Also, take a look at the IELTS pie chart vocabulary.
IELTS Line Graph and Pie ChartSometimes in the IELTS Academic Task 1 you have to describe two graphs together. It is usually best to describe each graph separately rather than attempting to describe them together. Trying to link them can be difficult to do (remember you only have 20 minutes...
what hasn’t changed / what’s new Step 3: organize your report highlight the main points – they come first group similar ideas together find a logical structure to present the points Step 4: get the vocabulary right These two pie charts show?the changes?in popularity?of different leisure...
In IELTS writing task 1, you might be asked to describe a pie chart. In this article, I’m going to show you my sample answer to a pie chart about sources of electricity. We’ll look at how to analyse the charts, pick the right language, and structure a good answer. ...