A rash is not a specific diagnosis. Instead, it refers to any sort of inflammation and/or discoloration that distorts the skin's normal appearance. Common skin rashes includeCOVID-19rash,eczema,poison ivy,hives, andathlete's foot. Infections that cause rashes may be fungal, bacterial, parasit...
Pictures of skin rashes may be used to help you diagnose a skin rash. However, viewing only skin rash pictures can often lead to a misdiagnosis. There are numerous types of skin rashes that can occur and many skin rashes look very similar, but they may have very different causes. In addi...
Is your skin itching, breaking out, covered in a rash, or playing host to spots of some sort? It may be the result of infection, a chronic skin condition, or contact with an allergen or irritant. This WebMD slideshow shows you how to spot skin problems c
Certain toys contain chemicals that can be harmful to the human body, resulting in various uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning, rashes, and tissue damage. One particular chemical found in many sex toys is phthalates, which help bind materials together and increase flexibility in plastic...
While most skin rashes are not life-threatening, a rash can sometimes mean something more serious is happening in your body. If you have a rash and notice any of the following symptoms, you should contact your healthcare provider for an evaluation: ...
Hives, ringworm, warts: just a few skin conditions often seen in babies and children. How can you recognize these common childhood conditions -- and is home treatment possible? Find out from WebMD.
These abnormal patches on the skin are a shade lighter or darker than the surrounding areas. The torso and shoulders are most commonly affected by tinea versicolor. Teenagers and young adults are more susceptible to the infection than others. The abnormal skin rashes may become more noticeable ...
Tick size from nymph to adult If you look carefully, you can tell identify a tick not only by its number of legs but also by its scutum or “shield” on the top side. In adult females, the scutum covers the front 1/3 of the body but in males it covers the entire body. ...
If your dermatologist suspects a flea bite, they will inquire about your living conditions and recent exposure after your skin examination. There is no laboratory test to confirm that fleas are the causal agent of these rashes. How do you tell if a bite is from a flea? To establish if a...
Other Rashes That Look Similar to Poison Ivy A poison ivy rash can resemble other skin conditions, such as:7 Eczema Exfoliative dermatitis Lichen planus Psoriasis Rosacea What to Do For a Poison Ivy Rash There are several ways tomanage a poison ivy rashat home. Many poison ivy products are ...