Seborrheic dermatitisis the single most common rash affecting adults. It produces a red scaling often itchy eruption that characteristically affects the scalp, forehead, brows, cheeks, and external ears. In infants, it may involve and scalp (cradle cap) and diaperarea. Contact dermatitis Contact de...
Is your skin itching, breaking out, covered in a rash, or playing host to spots of some sort? It may be the result of infection, a chronic skin condition, or contact with an allergen or irritant. This WebMD slideshow shows you how to spot skin problems c
Thepsoriasisrash is one example. There are a variety ofcommonrashes that individuals may experience during their lifetime. Adiaperrash is a condition that is common in babies. It is also a skin problem that may affect adults (usually but not always the elderly) that have to wear a diaper ...
Laboratory preparation of the tissue is required before looking at the skin tag under a microscope. The skin is stained with a stain called hematoxylin and eosin ("H&E"). Under the microscope, there is a colored spherical tissue attached to a small stalk. The purple outer layer (epidermis)...
Shingles sometimes causes long-term nerve pain. This is calledpostherpetic neuralgia. Older adults and those whose shingles is untreated are at higher risk. See a healthcare provider as soon as you recognize the rash with fluid-filled blisters. Early treatmentwithantiviral drugssuch as Zovirax (acy...
Heat Rash Visit this PICTURES OF RASHES PAGE A heat rash is a skin condition that often occurs in the summer months. Summer weather is hot and often humid in many parts of the world and these are the prime conditions for the development of this type of skin rash or skin irritation....
Morphological and functional skin alterations secondary to the action of ionizing radiation are well documented. In addition to its application in the medical field, ionizing radiation represents a public health problem for diagnostic and therapeutic pur
Wondering about that rash, welt, or bump on your child's skin? Sickness, allergies, and heat or cold are often behind kids' skin changes. Most aren't a big deal and are easy to treat. You can learn to tell what many of them look like. Of course, always check with your child's ...
This article reviews the most common skin rashes and shows pictures of each. Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) Atopic dermatitis, more commonly known aseczema, frequently occurs in young children, although it may start in young adults, and can continue into adult life. This rash occurs where a person...
I have no rash nor any of the other things people have mentioned. The construction worker even said he is doing fine on them. Some people can't take certain meds, people can't take things that other people can take. All our bodies are different, don't blame it on a supplement. ...