Mermaids are mythical aquatic creatures with the head and upper body of a elegant woman and the tale of a fish. These magical hybrid sea maidens have captivated human imagination for centuries as the subject of ancient folktales, superstitious beliefs, artworks, books, and fairytales. Mermaids sy...
Dugongs are thought to be the inspiration for ancient seafarer's tales of mermaids and sirens. Dugongs and manatees are the only herbivorous marine mammals alive today. Dugongs like warm water and are found between 27° north and south of the equator. There may be more than 80,000 Dugongs...
Stories of mermaids have existed for thousands of years across multiple cultures. One of the earliest known mermaid legends is the ancient Assyrian goddess Atargatis who was depicted as half-human half-fish. In Greek mythology, there were sea nymphs called Sirens that were portrayed as part woman...
Manatees and dugongs may have inspiredmermaid legends. In ancient mythology, sirens were monsters or sea nymphs who sang mesmerizing songs that lured sailors to steer their ships onto treacherous rocks. After a long sea voyage, sailors may have thought they were seeing sirens, or mermaids, when...
I chased the sirens Around the earth I traded their love For my right of birth I succoured the incubus Scuttled the ships I drank fine whisky From Medusa’s lips And who cared, who knew? I wrote you letters I sent you things The Shroud of Turin And an angel’s wing I dredged the...