Two teenage girls (Joanna "JoJo" Levesque, Emma Roberts) discover that mermaids really do exist after a violent storm washes one ashore. The mermaid, a sassy creature named Aquamarine (Sara Paxton), is determined to prove to her father that real love exists, and enlists the girls' help in...
Whether you’ve been fascinated by mermaids since childhood or have just started your mermaid obsession, you’ll love these TV shows and movies with mermaids in a starring role. Peruse our list, then check out these sea sirens in action! The Little Mermaid (1989) This Disney movie is perhap...
Sirens in the context of horror movies always conjure up images of carnivorous mermaids. At least Forbidden Sirens kept one part dedicated to its theme. But instead of merfolks making human chow, the story has it that the inhabitants of the island ate a mermaid instead. Years ago, the isla...
" leaning away from Disney and into the horrific elements of the original. In neon-lit 1980s Warsaw, two mermaids join the human world and hang out at a nightclub, where their siren songs make them hot commodities, until one of them falls for a human, endangering their relationship....
Prevailing theme guesses in the comments section include vampires, mermaids, and sirens. View full post on Instagram The “first” season 10 cast is stacked with talent. Ryan Murphy took to Instagram on February 26, 2020 with his official announcement of the initial season 10 cast. In a ...