and now, two years later, as of Friday the 6th of August 2010, I changed my name once again legally from ‘In God We Trust’ to ‘One Nation Under God’; It’s like a new self portrait, not with paint on canvas,
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The Divine Mercy image is truly a “path of hope?which will lead us safely to the “final coming of Christ? Jesus gave us this image specifically to give us hope and to give us a constant re-assurance that will lead us safely home to His coming. The words “Jesus, I trust in You...
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Oil Painting of a Mule Deer Raising Its Head US$25.00 10,000 Pieces (MOQ) Black and White with Green Tree Cistyscape Wall Art Textured Oil Painting US$5.00-18.00 10 Pieces (MOQ) Wholesale 2016 Latest LED Light Oil Paintings on Canvas Jesus, Dec...
This woman had been forcefully yanked from her bed and dragged through the streets before being roughly pushed to the ground at the feet of Jesus. Here is how the scene played out all those centuries ago: They made her stand in the middle of the court(can you imagine the shame she felt...
In Spain, by contrast, they did things late and it was the three-star gazing Kings who showered children with gifts on January 6th.“When I was little, she said, Petit Jesus came and put something in our shoes” and continued by deploring what Christmas had become; one big commercial ...
"The Resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ" "Elijah and the Angel" MMVII The Four Cardinal Archangels~ "The Pillars of The EARTH" In traditional angelology, angels constituted the lowest of the nine celestial orders (seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, principa...
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M sends this wonderful picture of a mural in Caracas that is as screwed up as the revolution. You can see Andres Bello, Mao, Chavez, Jesus of course, Che Guevara, Simon Bolivar, Guicaipuro and Lenin. (If you recognize more let me know). Funny that Castro is missing and that Chavez ...