John the Baptist (right) with child Jesus, in the painting The Holy Children with a Shell by Bartolomé Esteban Perez Murillo 约翰和以利亚(John and Elijah) 对约翰和以利亚关系的描述,福音书中也各不相同。《马太福音》和《马可福音》描述约翰的着装,让人想起《列王纪》1:8对以利亚的描述,同样是...
卡拉瓦乔《基督下葬》 The burial of Jesus Caravaggio 1600 祭坛画《基督下葬》是卡拉瓦乔最受倾慕的作品之一,描绘基督被钉十字架后,由约翰、尼哥底母、马利亚等人为其下葬的悲剧场景。强烈的自然主义、明暗对照的光影技巧,以及围绕事件的对角线构图,既融汇了古典意味又充满现实主义风格。 19 保罗• 鲁本斯 《战...
波提且利笔下的耶稣肖像 RMB 2.85亿纽约拍卖易手 2022年纽约首场重磅拍卖「西洋古典油画及雕塑」昨日于苏富比举槌,焦点落在波提且利Botticelli身上。 这位文艺复兴巨匠的肖像画《忧患之子》,引起两位电话竞投者争逐,终以US$3,930万落槌,连佣约US$4,540万(RMB 2.85亿)易手,成绩与外间预期相若。 Lot 14|波提...
It’smanifestly2a painting with anaura3,apresence4.CNN was among the first to see it after scholars gave it theirblessing5in 2011—Jesus Christ,Salvator Mundi(Savior of the World) by Leonardo da Vinci. CNN主持人尼克·葛拉斯 这显然是一幅带有灵气跟气势的画作。在二0一一年学者们认证了这幅画...
(or, if the theory is that the text is irrelevant because next to no-one would understand it, we can just settle on this being a painting of Jesus with some undefined pronouncement), coupled with "To know peace, obey these laws," presumably referring to the laws expounded by Jesus. ...
格列柯图像中的失真和扭曲感是他使用的关键技法之一,被他同时代的弗朗西斯科·帕切科(Francisco Pacheco)发现,弗朗西斯科·帕切科是委拉斯开兹的老师和岳父,他写了一本具有里程碑意义的教科书——《绘画艺术》(The Art of Painting)。 当帕切科看到格列柯的作品时,他被他所称的“格列柯的残忍污迹”吓坏了,那是直接...
Dallas Jenkins, creator, writer, producer, and director of international phenomenon The Chosen selected Liz Lemon Swindle to represent the series as fine art because of her ability to interpret the message of Jesus Christ. In this painting, Mary is leaning into Jesus weeping from the overwhelming...
Place of Origin Fujian, China Brand Name ORFON Model Number MD151 Frame NO, Yes Product name Painting by number Canvas Professional Canvas Size 40x50cm Keyword painting by numbers nature MOQ 10pcs Packing Color Box Packaging Application
Jesus is Jewish. Is there a more basic fact about him than that? Nothing has altered our...Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien
This beautiful depiction of Jesus smiling in love, friendship, and joy is incredibly comforting and makes me smile back at Him! Mary Dolan Gorgeous painting Beautiful, Framed perfectly. I love it. Erin Oscarson Beautiful! I bought this for a friend who was just baptized as an adult convert....