There were no significant differences between recognition of concrete and abstract nouns at any age level, which opposed the findings from adult studies and suggested that Paivio's theoretical orientation would have to be extended in order to account for developmental data. Recognition for both ...
a word that refers to a person (such asAnnordoctor), a place (such asParisorcity) or a thing, a quality or an activity (such asplant,joyortennis) ‘Car’ is a concrete noun. Proper nouns begin with a capital letter. see alsoabstract noun,agent noun,collective noun,common noun,count ...
This report includes 93 line-drawn pictures of objects with homophonic (noun) names, and 108 questions, the answers to which are homophonic nouns. Whether pic- tures or questions should be preferred for a particular in- vestigation will depend on the nature of that investiga- tion, but the...
“abstract art”--whether “non-geometrical“ or “geometrical”--was the climactic mode of modern art.That it is mannerist escaped notice.“Nothing characterizes the disturbance of the classical harmony better than the disintegration of that unity of space which was the most pregnant expression...
A singular noun is a word that is used to refer to only one thing. In English, a singular noun is changed into a plural noun by...
barenouns derived from verbs seems characteristic:my push, my kick, my love, my thanks, my dissent, while those considerednominal passiveseasily receive objectreading: my destruction/my resurrection/my designation childmay have instantgrasp moreabstract, relational notion behind possessive. child's...
effect of pictures on learning to read common nouns 热度: The Economic Implications of Learning by Doing 热度: Visualprocessingofpicturesandlettersinalphabetbooks andtheimplicationsforletterlearning AnnaC.Both-deVries a ,AdrianaG.Bus b,⇑
If a word isn't essential to the telling of the story or the semantics of the sentence, omit it. It's better to have too few words than too many. Too many words makes your writing sound stuffy, pompous, or unreadable. Be especially careful of: Adjectives. Adjectives describe nouns and...
Add the title of the document with a description of the format. Type the title of the document in sentence case, capitalizing only the first word and any proper nouns. If the document also has a subtitle, add a colon after the title and then type the subtitle in sentence case. Type a...
Pictures, concrete nouns, or abstract nouns were presented sequentially at rates of 5.3 or 2 items/sec, the faster rate being designed to prevent implicit labeling of pictures during input while permitting pictures to be recognized and words to be read. Sequential memory was tested by means of ...