Hawaiian Islands Kauai HR-LO,Kauai HR-PO,Molokai (Aerial Shots) LR-MO,Hawaii (Big Island) LR-LO Kauai Pictures Princeville Coastline N. Kauai,Rugged Kilauea Coastline,Seagulls North Kauai Coast,Kilauea Cliffs,Kalihiwai River,Kalihiwai Bay,Puu Kahili,Puu Haupu,Waimea Canyon ...
Napo’opo’o on the Big Island of Hawaii has a rich history filled with generations of Hawaiians, from commoners to chiefs, to the first Westerners. It is beautiful, typically calm, with a bay full of fish, and receives the benefits from …read more ...
The lovely Lehua flower is the fruit of the Ohia tree that grows in many forests of Hawaii. Adding to its beauty is its important place in the Hawaiian culture. As the story goes, Pele, the goddess of the volcano desired a handsome man named Ohia. But, Ohia was already in love with ...
10. Yellow Hawaiian hibiscus The yellow Hawaiian hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii. The flower illustration is from theIndigenous Flowers of the Hawaiian Islandsby Mrs Frances Sinclair in 1885. 11.Hibiscus heterophyllus An hibiscus flower native to Australia and more commonly known as theToilet...
Ko’olau Range is a dormant fragmented remnant of the eastern or windward shield volcano of the Hawaiian island of O’ahu.Manana & Kaohikaipu Islands Manana and Kaohikaipu Islands, commonly known as Rabbit and Turtle Islands, off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii.Capitol...
The Spirit of Christmas with the Living Strings The Spirit of Christmas with the Living Strings 1992年 Play The Music of the Sea - EP Play The Music of the Sea - EP 1960年 Hawaiian Memories Hawaiian Memories 1970年 Play Music From Charlie Chaplin Movies Play Music From Charlie Chapli...
Today, orchids are popular in tropical flower decorations, such as Hawaiian. The heady smell and vibrant color truly make a beautiful decorative display, and orchid leis are particular sought after to wear at high school and college graduations. Dendrobium orchids are often available at nurseries ...
his plump,tiny fists and feet shaking happily正欢快地摆动着胖嘟嘟的小拳头,踢动着小脚丫,He studied the face bent over him,an Asian face burned dark by the Hawaiian sun,with laugh wrinkles at the corners of the eyes眼睛盯着那张俯 17、视着他的脸 一张被夏威夷的阳光灼黑、眼角布满笑纹的亚洲...
Nan’s Farm-Inside Out A matter of taste Spielerei auf dem Spiegel – Agnes Podczeck Word Wacker Reflection Experiments in pink + orange – Wells Baum Graham’s Island Hawaiian stilts flying Experimental – Patchwork Ponderings the cozy passenger Second Wind Leisure Perspectives Experiment...
Click the picture for a bigger version A list of other entries to this theme; if you do not want to be on this list let me know and I remove the link The word comes from German, meaning a desire to wander. Wandering can start close to the house, and may not immediately involve cou...