Islands Napo’opo’o Napo’opo’o on the Big Island of Hawaii has a rich history filled with generations of Hawaiians, from commoners to chiefs, to the first Westerners. It is beautiful, typically calm, with a bay full of fish, and receives the benefits from …read more ...
Hawaiian Islands were first united by King Kamehameha in 1810. He is also known as King Kamehameha the Great. Some islands were taken by force, and last one to join the kingdom was a peaceful surrender of Kauai. WiseGeek, in your inbox ...
The Earth’s largest continent, Asia is inundated with several mountains and tropical islands. The flowers found in this continent flourish in a range of environmental conditions, and some are even exported from other countries and grown here. And speaking about flowers, they always hold a special...
Situated in the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is renowned for its relaxed lifestyle and beautiful beaches. The stunning landscapes on the islands are home to a wide array of biodiversity, including almost350 bird species, of which60 are endemic. When it comes to birds standing out in the environment,...
Also knowing so many other wedding professionals,it is easy to advise them on choosing a musician that can enhance the ceremony as they are serenaded by the sound of a Hawaiian ukulele player, vocals of the islands, or a soft sound of the harp that blends in with the breeze, and calming...
Also knowing so many other wedding professionals,it is easy to advise them on choosing a musician that can enhance the ceremony as they are serenaded by the sound of a Hawaiian ukulele player, vocals of the islands, or a soft sound of the harp that blends in with the breeze, and calming...
Wake up and smell the Hawaiian breeze. How do you caption paradise? Let's share hula hoops. Scenic routes all day long. You're the pineapple of my eye. It shore feels good out here. Having a whale of a time. Sometimes you gotta stop and smell the leis. ...
Of all the damselfish species only two (possibly three) from the Dascyllus genus are known to associate with anemones. These are the Domino Damsel Dascyllus trimaculatus, the Hawaiian Dascyllus Dascyllus albisella, and possibly the Strasburg’s Dascyllus Dascyllus strasburgi. Unlike their ...
The name of the Wrought Iron Butterflyfish is enough to pique anyone’s interest. It is about as gorgeous as they come, with its large-scaled, metallic black body and yellow-tipped tail. It’s endemic to Japan and its islands, which is usually the only place you’ll find it. Its sma...
The Master Key (1914) The Opened Shutters (1914) Called Back (1914) Phantom of the Violin (1914) The Black Box (1915) Courtmartialed (1915) Under the Crescent (1915) The Silent Command (1915) Everytown (1915) The Broken Coin (1915) Conscience (1915) The Marble Heart (1916) Slander (...