in the forward part of the airplane? Why? What will you do, if you find out that the aircraft landing weight is more than the maximum limit? Snow removal (ice-melter) picture Look at the picture, what should the pilot be thinking in icing conditions? Do you have a similar expe...
A post shared by Travel ↟ Explore ↟ Adventure (@unlimitedexplore)onAug 22, 2019 at 7:13am PDT 位于曼谷诗纳卡琳的飞机墓地Airplane Graveyard,停放着几架飞机残骸,其中一架是大型的波音747,还有两架MD-82喷气式客机残骸,很多飞机迷都亲身爬上飞机近距离感受飞机内部的奥秘。当然还有更多人都是追寻着摄影...