Wired StaffPaur
Every now and again, we come across a video that so perfectly captures the magic of aviation, we can’t help but share it. Today, we came across a three minute video capturing moments inside a Boeing 747-400. We couldn’t discern, for sure, what carrier
Although the term Air Force One can be used to describe any Air Force aircrafts carrying the commander-in-chief, today, it typically refers to one of two highly modified and customized Boeing 747-200B series planes, according to CBS. Tags: Donald Trump, Air Force, Boeing Read MoreU...
|Flight 1336 Southwest|Dow Corning 737| **Immersive Flight Simulation Experience** Step into the cockpit with the 777 Route Planning FMC 2020 Simulation Flight P3d Xp Flight CS CDU Boeing 737 747. This meticulously crafted door & window screen is not just a screen; it's a gateway to the ...
The Boeing 747 was popular with plane spotters in Moscow, as illustrated by the pictures from the website miniaviamodel.ru. Clockwise from top left: Clipper Neptune’s Favorite, Clipper Fairwind, Clipper Pride of the Sea and Clipper Gem of the Ocean. The cabin crew also enjoyed the flights...
Boeing 747-8 IntercontinentalAuthor: -Carcer- Date: 31.07.2018 Downloads: 6437 | Statistics Filesize: 3.322 MBRating: 10.00 based on 6 votes Boeing 747-8i with Al_planes script Features: Detailed model Moving fans Working gears Working hatches Working elevators, rudder and ailerons Openable ...
Boeing rolled out the 1,000th 767 for All Nippon Airways. This was also the last 767 produced on the old 767 production line. All future 767s will be produced on a new smaller production line. The 767 is the second wide-body aircraft to reach the 1,000-unit milestone after the 747....
[179] Rolls-Royce offered its 68,000–72,000 lbf (300–320 kN) Trent 600 for the 767-400ERX and the Boeing 747X.[180] 参考译文:2000年3月,波音公司计划推出259座的767-400ERX,肯尼亚航空公司最初订购了三架,计划于2004年开始交付。增加总重量和尾翼油箱将使其航程增加到1,110至12,025公里(600...
Air 747 takes the reader on a journey through the story of the 747, and onboard with many of the biggest airline brands and some of the most obscure, lavishly illustrated with pictures of the planes, inside and out. Aviation historian Charles Kennedy contributes an epic history essay...
The E-4 series are specially modified from the Boeing 747-200B for the National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) program.[3] 【参考译文】波音E-4高级空中指挥所(AACP),即当前的“守夜者”飞机,[2]是由美国空军(USAF)运营的一系列战略指挥与控制军用飞机。E-4系列飞机是专为美国国家紧急空中...