pick one's nose 挖鼻屎,挖鼻孔 poke one's nose into 刺探,探听;管闲事,干涉 under one's nose adv.在某人鼻子底下,公然 blow one's nose v. 擤鼻涕 pick one's way 拣好路走,择路而行,小心谨慎地穿过 take one's pick 由自己挑选 Which one do you prefer? Take your pick! 你要哪一...
pickone'snose 挖鼻子() 也可见: a pick— 镐 pick— 挑 · 选 · 选择 · 采 · 拣 · 选中 · 拔 · 撷取 · 叉 · 遴选 · 挦 · 甄选 · 单挑 pick名— 镐名 · 精英名 · 精华名 · 精品名 nose名— 鼻名 · 鼻子名 ·
就是 pick one's nose。“鼻屎”就是booger。那鼻屎的好朋友“鼻涕”呢? 英文中有许多种讲法,比较文雅的讲法是 snivel 和 nasal mucus。 mucus 的意思是黏液,鼻子的黏液自然就是鼻涕了。不过小孩子们才不会跟你什么nasal mucus 呢,他们比较爱用不文雅的 snot 这个词。例如有个讨厌鬼的鼻涕快滴下来了,你就...
5.There's many a slip twixt cup and lip.功败垂成。 6.hold one's tongue 保持沉默,闭口不言。 7. rub one's eyes 揉眼睛; 8. pick one's nose 抠鼻子; 9. stick out one's tongue 吐舌头; 10. bite one's lips 咬嘴唇; 发布于 2023-07-01 13:41・IP 属地北京 ...
Translation of "pick one's nose" into Chinese 挖鼻子, 抠鼻子, 摳鼻子 are the top translations of "pick one's nose" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: You go out on a date with a guy, and he picks his nose; you don't go out on another date. ↔ 你出去和一个男人约会,...
1) pick one's nose 抠鼻子例句>> 2) Do not pick your nose ! 不要抠你的鼻子!3) hoof pick 蹄抠子4) nose [英][nəʊz] [美][noz] 鼻子 1. A profound meaning of the world painting——Reading nose; 一幅寓意深刻的世态画——读《鼻子》 更多例句>> ...
I mean, you go outona date with a guy, and hepickshisnose; you don't go outonanother date. Chci říct, když jdete na rande s klukem, a onsebudedloubat v nose, už na další rande nepůjdete. ParaCrawl Corpus InstructiononeThe habit ofpickingthenoseis not only in children...
insert a finger into one's nostril[..] en.wiktionary2016 显示算法生成的翻译 将“pick one's nose"自动翻译成 粤语 ⁇ 一個人嘅鼻子 Glosbe Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“pick one's nose"翻译成 粤语 变形干 匹配词 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。
to pick one's nose:抠鼻子idiom "Stoppicking your noseand put me through to the perfume laboratory." 进一步了解… 仍然觉得使用“Pick one's nose”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧! 免费试用 他们的意见 : 乐趣 维克多(德国,科隆) ...
The CDC (疾控中心) says if you don’t wash your hands, you can pick up viruses (病毒) from many places and make yourself ill. You are dangerous (危险) every time you touch (触碰) your eyes, nose or mouth. One of the most common (普遍) ways people catch colds (感冒) is by rub...