on the brain on the brain实际上是指热衷于,念念不忘,一心想着某事。 have got...on the brain就用来形容某人对某件事情执着,一直想或者说这个事,带批判或者抱怨的负面情绪。 例子 I don't wanna talk to Scott. He's got his girlfrien...
03. pick on, to 定义: 故意挑某人毛病, 批评, 揶揄, 欺压; 为了某个目的特别挑选某人. 例句: He always picked on his sister when they were children. (小时候, 他总是欺负他妹妹) 04. pick one's nose, to 定义: 挖鼻孔. 例句: Tommy! Quit picking your nose, that's a filthy habit! (汤米!
3. to pull or remove something or small pieces of something from something else, especially with your fingers:(用手指)挖;掏,如pick one’s nose/teeth:抠鼻子/剔牙 从释义上看,pick的第一个意思是从一群人或事物中进行拣选,与《Produce101》选秀的方式...
Tommypickedhisnose,onegirl kept lifting her dress up over her head. Tomášekse dloubalvnose,jednaholčička si vytahovala šatičky nad hlavu. ParaCrawl Corpus I mean, you go outona date with a guy, and hepickshisnose; you don't go outonanother date. ...
nose名— 鼻名 · 鼻子名 · 鼻腔名 · 嗅名 · 耳朵名 pick动— 拿起动 · 来接动 · 拣选动 · 取纸动 · 拿取动 · 寻衅动 · 采摘动 · 抠(鼻子)动 · 找茬动 · 摘动 · 剔(牙)动 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ ...
Then I thought it wrong when someone on the street, picking his nose. 后来我想错了,当有人在大街上挑选他的鼻子。 ParaCrawl Corpus Start by picking one of the characters and choose the eye, nose, mouth and eye brow shape. 通过挑选的人物之一启动,并选择眼睛,鼻子,嘴和眼角眉梢的形状。
He chose/picked a dictionary for his son. 他为儿子买了本字典。 但严格说来,二者仍有差别: choose 是表示“选择”的一般性用语,指按照人的认识或判断来进行选择。 pick与 choose 的用法很接近,但适合于口语用法。它既可以表示随意的选择,也可以表示仔细的慎重的选择。
第二,看见一个小男孩抠鼻子的时候,可以说:The boy is picking his nose. 第三,最右边的图画里,我们可以看到: A beautiful girl is picking flowers. 一个美丽的女孩在采花。 如果想说 “找茬”、“刁难挑剔“,就一定要用 pick on 。 Boss always picks on my English. 老板总是找我英语的茬 / 老板总跟...
1. Pick a card.挑一张牌。2. She used to pick flowers in the Adirondacks. 她以前常去阿迪朗达克山采花。3. Don't pick your nose. 不要抠鼻子。4. He picked his teeth.他剔了牙。5. The dogs picked the bones clean.狗把骨头啃得干干净净。6. Bullies pick on younger children. 恃强凌弱的...
1.My younger brother always touches me after picking his nose He is sooooo annoying! 我弟老是挖完鼻屎后碰我,太烦了! 2.Dogs that always pee on my car tires are so annoying 狗老是往我车轮上撒尿,太烦了! 2 “Bothersome” 有点正式 ...