Physics of the Cosmos: Program Annual Technology Report.AstrophysicsSpaceborne telescopesMission planningResearch and developmentTechnology assessmentProject managementLasersX ray imageryX ray opticsPham, B. TCardiff, A. H
The Physics of the Cosmos Program Analysis Group (PhysPAG) serves as a forum for soliciting and coordinating input and analysis from the scientific community in support of the PCOS program objectives. I will outline the activities of the PhysPAG over the past year, since the last meeting during...
The Unstoppable Rise of Physics: Unveiling the FuturAs physics enters a golden age of discovery, the world is watching closely. From the quantum revolution to the exploration of the cosmos, the demand for breakthrough research is greater than ever. The6th International Conference on Physicsstands ...
TheUneasy Alliance BetweenAstrophysics and Warfare: “Many significant advances in our understanding of the cosmos are by-products of government investment in the apparatus of warfare, and many innovative instruments of destruction are by-products of advances in astrophysics.” ...
In the realm of cosmology, cosmological parameters play a pivotal role, shedding light on the universe’s structure, composition, and dynamics. Derived from meticulous analysis of diverse astronomical observations, these parameters are crucial for our understanding of the cosmos. Among them, the Hubble...
Studies on neutron-rich unstable nuclei are closely linked to understanding the origin of medium-heavy elements formed in the cosmos, the pathway to the ‘islands of stability’ in superheavy nuclei and the matter–antimatter asymmetry in the universe. A number of new large-scale facilities are ...
Physics involves a broad scope of subjects; however, various branches or fields of physics address specific subjects. Some of these branches include: Cosmology Astrophysics Geophysics Biophysics Nuclear Physics Particles Physics Cosmology The universe is also referred to as the cosmos. Therefore, cosmology...
In view of these issues, the cosmos is a particularly attractive laboratory as it provides particles (cosmic rays) or objects (black holes, neutron stars) which are not produced in man-made laboratories (Even if very relevant to fundamental physics, gravitational waves are not discussed here as...
asastronomy. ThePtolemaic–Aristotelian systemstood or fell as a monolith, and it rested on the idea ofEarth’sfixity at the centre of the cosmos. Removing Earth from the centre destroyed the doctrine of natural motion and place, and circular motion of Earth was incompatible with Aristotelian ...
S.O. also acknowledges support from a Maria Zambrano fellowshop, from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the “Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu 2020-2023” award to the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (CEX2019-000918-M) and from PID2019-...