These particles help to glue together disparate physics ideas and move us toward a more complete understanding of the universe. A megastructure on the moon, for its part, could enable particle acceleration that reaches 14 quadrillion electron volts, or about 1,000 times more energy than the LHC...
Before we get into any more detail, we need to cover some basic terminology that will help you understand the unique fractal properties. Self-similar All fractals show a degree of self-similarity. This means that as you look closer and closer into the details of a fractal, you can see a...
Omniverse is a platform for 3D design collaboration, simulation, and real-time visualization. While originally showcased for design engineering and media, Omniverse now extends into robotics, digital twins and advanced physics-based simulations. It leverages CUDA for graphical rendering, combining real-ti...
Remember that one of the pillars of Stoic philosophy is precisely that the “physics” (i.e., all of natural science) should inform our ethics, so better knowledge of biology in particular should redirect the way we think about what is right and what is wrong when it comes to eating habi...
two paths to explore - cosmologists went down the 'Big Bang' path of the universe being all that exists and ignored the other more simple explanation founded on a finite observable universe within infinite Space (though this only works if you understand the Wave Structure of Matter in Space)....
Great support is defined by genuine compassion. Use “I” messaging to demonstrate yours: “I completely understand why you’d want that,” or “I know how {blank} that can be.” What you use in that {blank} will greatly affect the tone of your message — one that is obviously being...
Given that Isaac Newton was one of the early founders of modern physics and mechanics, it makes perfect sense that he would invent something like the cradle, which so simply and elegantly demonstrates some of the basic laws of motion he helped describe. But he didn't. Despite its name, the...
understand how, when, and why black holes form and grow. Black holes are surrounded by the event horizon, a mysterious, invisible layer from which nothing can escape, be it matter, light, or information. This means that the event horizon swallows every bit of evidence about theblack hole’... CVTravel TipsTravelling on the CheapOne of the questions I get asked a lot, is how on earth do I manage to travel so much with hardly any money? As a result, I thought that it might be useful to write all of my tips down as concisely as possible...
Far from undercutting the unity of life, our common physics binds us even more tightly together. For example, the genesis of spots, whether on ladybugs, leopards, or Dalmatians, follows a very simple equation involving just two physical factors, pigments and inhibitors. This equation oper...