Over 10,000+ physics MCQs with comprehensive solutions are there in the BYJU'S physics MCQ online library. It covers physics questions of class 12, class 11, class 10, and class 9.
The study of wave propagation at interfaces in various conditions, including deep and shallow water, has garnered significant interest over centuries. This work explores a class of capillary waves traveling on the plastron of underwater superhydrophobic surfaces, hence the name “plastronic waves”,...
High-resolution STM/STS visualizes the fractionalization of flat moiré bands into discrete Hofstadter subbands in moiré graphene near the predicted second magic angle, and experimentally establishes several fundamental properties of the fractal Hofstadter energy spectrum. Kevin P. Nuckolls , Michael G....
§9. Motion in a uniform field If a particle is subject to a definite force at every point in space, these forces as a whole are called a force field. In general, the field forces may vary from one point to another in space and may also depend on time. Let us consider the simple...
Scientific discovery and engineering design are currently limited by the time and cost of physical experiments. Numerical simulations are an alternative approach but are usually intractable for complex real-world problems. Artificial intelligence promise
(v) variation of g on the earth’s surface (iv) distinction between mass and weight (v) escape velocity (vi) parking orbit and weightlessness Objectives: Candidates should be able to : i. identify different types of motion ; ii. solve numerical problem on collinear motion; ...
We outline transient quasi-magnetostatic phenomena associated with Weibel-type instabilities, mainly the formation and decay of the current filaments and s
Formula taken from this excellent course:http://underactuated.csail.mit.edu/underactuated.html?chapter=9 This is a technique for augmenting the end-point of trajectories composed of discrete segments, using a rigid-as-possible/"Blossoming" (B�zier-like) interpolation scheme. Includes an implementa...
inputs, containing the pressure, energy density and number density up to the chosen breakdown density of the model. By default, the results of a QMC calculation using local chiral EFT interactions at N2LO80with theoretical uncertainties are provided. Upon initiation of the class, a sample is ...
Transducer A device which converts shock or vibratory motion into an electrical signal that is proportional to a parameter of the experienced motion. Transfer Function The output to input relationship of a structure. Mathematically it is the Laplace transform of the output divided by the Laplace tra...