The study of wave propagation at interfaces in various conditions, including deep and shallow water, has garnered significant interest over centuries. This work explores a class of capillary waves traveling on the plastron of underwater superhydrophobic surfaces, hence the name “plastronic waves”,...
select article The stability analysis for the motion of a nonlinear damped vibrating dynamical system with three-degrees-of-freedom Research articleOpen access The stability analysis for the motion of a nonlinear damped vibrating dynamical system with three-degrees-of-freedom T.S. Amer, M.A. Bek,...
With the nuclear Hamiltonian at hand, one then needs to solve the many-body Schrödinger equation which requires advanced numerical methods. Examples of such many-body techniques include many-body perturbation theory (MBPT)38,39,74, the self-consistent Green’s function (SCGF) method75, or the...
My analysis benefited from discussions with Arnulf Schlüter (Dr. Rer. Nat., Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn, 1947), a Department Visiting Fellow, and with Richard Härm, Schwarzschild’s research assistant, in regard to the numerical integration method. My thesis stimulated a decade...
Murakami, S. Phase transition between the quantum spin Hall and insulator phases in 3D: emergence of a topological gapless phase. New J. Phys. 9, 356 (2007). Article ADS Google Scholar Volovik, G. E. The Universe in a Helium Droplet (Oxford Univ. Press, 2003). Burkov, A. A., Hoo...
Transducer A device which converts shock or vibratory motion into an electrical signal that is proportional to a parameter of the experienced motion. Transfer Function The output to input relationship of a structure. Mathematically it is the Laplace transform of the output divided by the Laplace tra...
Exams are close-book, including problem solving, in addition to questions similar to those in quizzes. For parts of problem solving, we emphasize the setting up strategies, so you must show your work. A simple numerical answer, even if correct, may result in hardly any grade point. You ...
Forces and Energy Ch 1 Motion 老師10個詞語 Cheryl_Taylor8 預覽 本學習集中的詞語(20) Speed a measure of how fast something is moving or the distance an object covers per unit of time How is velocity different from speed? velocity is speed in a given direction Acceleration a change in vel...
By following this initial evaluation, the CNN autonomously extracted significant high-level features from the input data, effectively utilizing these features to predict the bearing’s health class. To facilitate the incorporation of physics-based knowledge into the deep learning model, the authors ...
Molecular motors can be divided into linear and rotatory motors, depending on the kind of motion. Examples of the first class are kinesins [5] and dyneins [6] that transport cargo inside a cell using the microtubule tracks and myosin that governs muscle contraction [7]. The rotatory motors...