Agile Physical Therapy is a private, locally-owned clinic started by Lisa Altamirano in 2008. Our physical therapists specialize in orthopedics, sports medicine, and dance medicine. We are proud to report our clinic is the only clinic in Birmingham t
Common Peroneal Nerve: The `CHHUI-MUI` Nerve` Manish Kumar 1 ,Sumit Arora 1 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College & Associated Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi, India DOI : 10.5606/tftrd.2020.5357 Keywords :
Has the patient been compliant with medical care; if not, will therapy be safe? With this effort, the physician can also provide the basis for sound clinical research. Physical examination can reveal a considerable variety of findings for diagnosis including skeletal deformities especia...
To study the immediate and short-term efficacy of adding transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to standardized physical therapy on subacute spasticity within 6 months of spinal cord injury. Randomized controlled trial for 3 weeks. A university hospital. Subjects (N=16) with clinically ...
Given the clinical practice of prescribing physical rehabilitation for the treatment of VML injuries, the present study examined the functional and histomorphological adaptations in the volumetric muscle loss (VML) injured muscle to physical rehabilitation. Methods Tibialis anterior muscle VML injury was cr...
·Can Ekso™ be a safe and feasible training device for walking training in patients with hemiplegia after stroke? Page :e27 E. Høyer, G.S. Ingebretsen, S.L. Hansen, T. Glott, A. Opheim ·The use of Mirror Therapy in stroke patients with hemiplegic upper limb: A randomized cont...
Full clinical assessment is required, including evaluation of the soft tissues to determine whether a compartment syndrome is present and whether the patient has sustained a neurovascular injury. Gentle stress testing can be performed with the leg in extension to evaluate the stability of the ligaments...
Most importantly, ultrasound can be used to guide a needle for aspiration of fluid to confirm the diagnosis and help determine appropriate antimicrobial therapy [60•, 61•]. The use of ultrasound-guided needle placement allows the practitioner to avoid contamination of non-infected spaces such ...
for pregnancy-related low back and pelvic pain: A prospective, randomized, controlled trial Pelin Yıldırım 1 ,Gulfem Basol 2 ,Ali Yavuz Karahan 3 Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effectiveness of virtual reality therapy in chronic...