The authors report their experience in the treatment of common peroneal nerve (CPN) injuries using a one-stage procedure of nerve repair and tibialis posterior tendon transfer. A series of 45 patients with traumatic injury and graft repair of the CPN is presented. From 1988 to 1991, the six ...
腓总神经(common peroneal nerve)沿腘窝上外缘下行,绕过腓骨颈后分为腓浅神经和腓深神经。损伤时可导致足不能外翻、背屈障碍、小腿伸肌瘫痪及足下垂等。 Common Peroneal Nerve(腓总神经) 定义与名称解释 Common peroneal nerve,中文称为腓总神经,是人体下肢的一条重要神经。它起源...
腓总神经的分支:腓总神经由腓骨颈高度发出两个分支:腓深神经 deep peroneal nerve和腓浅神经superficial peroneal nerve, 腓总神经损伤的症状:感觉障碍(小腿外侧及足背、第一趾蹼及第一二趾相对缘皮肤感觉障碍)运动障碍(足不能伸踝伸趾、足不能外翻) Peroneal nerve compression In the surgical treatment of peron...
Common peroneal nerve (CPN) injuries can be the result of several mechanisms and are the most common nerve lesions of the lower limb. Sports-related knee injuries are frequently associated with multiligament lesions and neurovascular lesions. Complete nerve injuries typically have a worse prognosis th...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: common peroneal nerve common peroneal nerve分享到: 腓总神经分类: 解剖学 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表: 英文: dislocation of knee joint accompanied by avulsed fracture of caput fibulae and injury of common...
(八)腓总神经麻痹(paralysis of common peroneal nerve)受伤后产生腓骨肌及胫骨前肌群的瘫痪。表现为足下垂,足和足践不能背屈,用足跟行走困难。步行时,举高足,当足落地时足尖下垂后整个足底着地,类似鸡的步态,称为跨阈步态。小腿前外侧和足背感觉障碍。 去大脑强直 在中脑上丘与下丘之间及红核的下方水平面上将...
The nerve conduction study showed the peroneal nerve palsy at the fibula head level. Fourteen days after the injury, surgical treatment for internal fixation of fibula head fracture and external neurolysis of common peroneal nerve was performed. Common peroneal nerve showed continuity, with the ...
peroneal adj. 小腿侧的,腓侧的 nerve n. 1.神经 2.神经过敏;神经紧张 3.勇气;胆量 4.鲁莽;冒失;厚颜 v.[I,T] 1.鼓足勇气;振作精神 common adj. 1. 普通的;通常的;常见的 2. [attrib 作定语] [common (to sb/sth) ]共有的;共同做的;共同受到的 3.[attrib 作定语] 一般的, 平常的( ...
common peroneal nerve【解剖】;nervus fibularis communis【解剖】; 腓总神经文献(pubmed) 以下为句子列表:英文: The phonetic notations include three authors' notations: Zheng Ang's (郑昂) which were collected in the Feng Meng Ji Zhu Du Gong Bu Shi (《分门集注杜工部诗》) , Cat Cheng's (...
common-peroneal-nerve-compression-syndrome网络腓总神经卡压;腓总神经嵌压综合征网络释义 1. 腓总神经卡压 腓总神经病变,common... ... ) Common peroneal nerve compression syndrome 腓总神经卡压 ) peroneal nerve palsy 腓总神经 …|基于4个网页 2. 腓总神经嵌压综合征|...