Common, unusual and rare physical signs affecting the nail unit are presented.doi:10.1002/9781118286715.ch2Robert Baran MDGustave Roussy Cancer Institute, Villejuif Nail Disease Center, Cannes, France Bristol Dermatology Centre, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, UKDavid A. R. de Berker MD...
What are the clinical symptoms and physical signs for non‐small cell lung cancer before diagnosis is made? A nation‐wide multicenter 10‐year retrospecti... Most lung cancer patients are diagnosed after the onset of symptoms. However, whether the symptoms of lung cancer were independently associ...
1.Features of etiologies and signs on traumatic cyclodialysis cleft外伤性睫状体断离的致伤因素和体征分布特点 2.Objective: To investigate the laws of symptoms, signs, disease position and treating principle of Liver cancer in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Methods The retrospective sampling investigation ...
laughter( 笑 声 ) can not only reduce( 减 少 ) stress, but also improve the chances to be away from cancer and HIV. Moreover, laughter can releasethe feel-good hormones(荷尔蒙) which helps to improve your mood(心情). Researchers are revisiting old studies in an effort to help us all...
Association between physical activity and all cancer mortality: dose–response meta-analysis of cohort studies. Int J Cancer. 2016;138(4):818–32. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Van Uffelen JGZ, Khan A, Burton NW. Gender differences in physical ...
Association between physical activity and all cancer mortality: dose–response meta-analysis of cohort studies. Int J Cancer. 2016;138(4):818–32. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Van Uffelen JGZ, Khan A, Burton NW. Gender differences in physical ...
1.Inquiring:itisadiagnosisofclinicaljudgmentbythe physicianthroughthesystematicinquiryofthepatientor relatedpersonneltoobtainthemedicalhistorydata. 2.Maincomplaint:themostimportantpainorthemostobvious symptoms(and)orsignsofthepatient,whichisthemost importantreasonforthevisitanditsduration. ...
--- Fitness earlier in life reduces cancer risk when older ◇ "Technically, you should do something every day, and by something I mean physical activity - just move. Because we're finding more and more that the act of sitting counteracts any of the activity you do." “严格来说,你每天...
Lung cancer screening (LCS) requires effectively and efficiently mining big, multimodal datasets. Here, the authors develop a medical multimodal-multitask foundation model (M3FM) for LCS from 3D low-dose computed tomography and medical multimodal data, outperforming state-of-the-art methods and allow...
身体全面检查项目(Fullphysicalexaminationitems)身体全面检查项目(Full physical examination items)[comprehensive examination] which items are included?Best answer 1. internal medicine examination: blood pressure, pulse, auscultation of heart and lung, chest, abdomen, touch, percussion and so on.2. ...