If your cancer is sensitive to hormones, these hormone-blocking therapies can be effective in shrinking or killing the cancer and can decrease the chance of a cancer recurrence. Both medications and surgery for hormone therapy cause menopausal signs and symptoms, including hot flashes and vaginal at...
Osaka Metropolitan University researchers have found that exosomes, a type of small vesicle, produced by cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) play an important role in the progression of skin cancer, and assessing them could be a useful prognostic factor of malignant melanoma. Credit: ...
hpv is nothing to fret over most people will have some form of hpv in their life. In most cases the body clears/suppresses it with in 8 months to 2 years. Cancer from hpv is rare. HIV is also very difficult to contract with a transfer rate of .01% during unprotected vaginal penetrati...
instead of iodine. In the US iodine comsumption is down by half and cancer doubled since 1970. Low vitamin D is very common autoimmune diseases. PPI's with allow overgrowth and invasion into the stomach of bad bacteria like H. Pylori. Gerd, IBS symptoms can all be related to Celiac ...
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women worldwide. One of the main changes associated with cancer progression, metastasis, recurrence, and chemoresistance is the change in the tumor immune microenvironment, especially immunosup
stopping or reversing the processes that may lead to a malignancy. This is achieved by several protective mechanisms like neutralisation, detoxification or prevention of precancerous signs at the cellular level through inducing the formation of protective enzymes, at the same time inhibiting the hormone...
precancerous conditionsstomachIn a series of 545 patients without roentgenological and gastroscopical signs of gastric malignancy, the cytological finding was interpreted as normal (Papanicolaou I) in 351 patients and abnormal (Papanicolaou II-III) in 194 patients. In the abnormal group were ...
This study explored the anticipated time to seek medical advice for possible colorectal cancer (CRC) signs/symptoms and its association with CRC symptom awareness. In addition, it examined perceived barriers that may delay seeking medical advice. Palesti
Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed tostress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between "fight" or "flight" and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we...
Previous studies have demonstrated that the transmission rate of a virus is significantly weakened in an environment with high temperature and humidity.4However, judging from the results of this study, the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 showed no signs of weakening in warm and humid conditions. We...