Unrooted phylogenetic tree including all known cytochrome 561 proteins from plants and animalsWim, VerelstHan, Asard
Knowing phylogenetic relationships among species is fundamental for many studies in biology. An accurate phylogenetic tree underpins our understanding of the major transitions in evolution, such as the emergence of new body plans or metabolism, and is ke
Phylogenetic trees are a special case of what is known as a graph, in which a series ofnodesare joined byedges, known asbranches. Nodes are split into terminal nodes (or “leaves” to keep with the tree analogy), also known asOperational Taxonomic Units (OTUs)and internal nodes, also kno...
A multialignment and a phylogenetic analysis of 63 cystatins, 32 of which are PhyCys, demonstrate that all PhyCys cluster in a major evolutionary tree branch and support the classification of PhyCys as a new cystatin family. The PhyCys also possess a specific consensus sequence [LVI]-[AGT]...
Apusomonads are a mysterious group of heterotrophic gliding biflagellates branching deeply in the eukaryotic tree of life as sister group to opisthokonts (including animals, fungi and a variety of unicellular protists). Despite their evolutionary interest, their diversity and ecology remain largely ...
Trees are pivotal to the biosphere and human well-being, e.g., via carbon sequestration and habitat provision for plants and animals1,2,3,4,5. However, globally, the majority of tree species are under pressure from anthropogenic activities6,7, notably habitat conversion and loss, overexploitati...
The degree to which plants and animals retain their ancestral ecological traits and environmental distributions ('niche conservatism') is hotly debated, in part because of its relevance to the fate of modern species facing climate change. A tendency towa
Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA was done and 16S rRNA structures were applied to examine the diversity of Pseudomonas strains. Phylogenetical analysis showed that four branches are formed on the phylogenetic tree. These branches included Pseudomonas strains MY1402, MY1403, MY1408, MY1410, MY0503,...
, however, an observed anomaly instigated the discovery of archaea. Substantiation of the existence of the new archaeal entity and consequent reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree prompted replacement of a long-held model of a prokarya and eukarya bipartite tree of life by a new model of a ...
A new word, phylodynamics, was coined to emphasize the interconnection between phylogenetic properties, as observed for instance in a phylogenetic tree, and the epidemic dynamics of viruses, where selection, mediated by the host immune response, and transmission play a crucial role. The challenges fa...