spin probesamidineNew pH-sensitive spin probes - 2,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydroimidazo[1,5-A]pyrimidines - were synthesized by the reaction of 4-amino-2,5-dihydro-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1H-imidazol-1-oxyl with aminomethylated α,β-unsaturated carbonyl methiodides or hydrochlorides. Introduction of...
While the spin density is localized mostly on the Cr atom, the charge on Cr is nearly the same in the neutral and in the cationic complexes. The charges on the CO ligands and, to a lesser extent, on tmp become more positive upon oxidation, due to electron-density redistribution. ...
郭敬明爆料高中时妈妈就带他染头发 惊呆鲁豫!推荐视频 03:21 打开APP阅读 特朗普提名商务部长,关税坚定捍卫者!要将贸易战进行到底?03:06 打开APP阅读 凤凰连线|乌克兰空军发出导弹警报 01:21 打开APP阅读 健康知识 社区传递 吉林大学博士生讲师团在行动 02:44 打开APP阅读 美乌突破红线,普京说到做到立马签字,关键时...
本人从2010年在江苏苏州进入电子厂上班,那个时候的我刚从学校出来,什么也不懂,就那么懵懵懂懂的进了电子厂上班,一工作就是6年的时间,从刚开始的一个小职员,一步步到组长职位,其实让我收获了很多,怎么一步步从底层往上走,其实厂里也是很多钩心斗角,为了升职什么话都能说,但是我从来不说人家坏话 不拍领导马屁,...
分析及建议: 你测的是排卵试纸阳性的话,说哦没有怀孕,排卵后卵泡液流入盆腔,可以引起腰腹部疼痛不适,一般3天左右可缓解,若持续腰疼,你需要检查排除腰部疾病,排卵后一般14左右来月经,怀孕几率很高的,心里压力大会影响怀孕的,找出导致压力大的原因,能解决的,就努力解决,不能解决的,就暂时放下,平时可以看场电影,出...
H. J. BriegelM. Van den NestW. DürClassical spin models and the quantum stabilizer formalism. Arxiv preprint quant-ph/0610157 - Nest, Dür, et al. - 2006
High Spatio-Temporal Resolution pHe Mapping of a Rat Glioma Derived From pH-Dependent Spin-Lattice RelaxivityThe extracellular pH (pHe) of cancers is acidic and inhibiting this acidity will inhibit metastases. Methods to image pHe in brain tumors based on relaxivity of a pH-dependent contrast ...
Reports the syntheses and electrochemical and magnetochemical properties of (NBun4)(Mn8O6Cl6(O2CPh)7(H2O)2).xCH2Cl2 and (Mn9Na2O7(O2CPh)15(MeCN)2).3MeCN. X-ray crystallography and structure solution; Physical measurements.TsaiHui-Lien...
We study the correlation function and concurrence for the eigenstates with\nzero spin of engineered Heisenberg models to explore the entanglement property.\nIt is shown that the total nearest neighbor (NN) correlation function of\nzero-spin eigenstates reaches its local extremum when the coupling ...
Hyperfine interactions at a cooperative high-spin ( 5T 2) low-spin ( 1A 1) Transition in dithiocyanatobis (4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) iron (II)Hyperfine interactions have been studied at a cooperative sT 2 1A 1 transition in the solid complex Fe(4,7-(CH 3) 2-phen) 2(NCS) ...