Phrase-based Machine Translation in a Computer-assisted Translation EnvironmentMichel SimardPierre Isabelle
predict L2 sentence->shared encoder(L2)->L1 decoder->L1 sentence 这样就算完成了一个Back-translation的过程,这个过程会去调整fixed cross-lingual embedding的值。 2.3 PBSMT PBSMT是phrase-based statistical machine translation(基于短语的机器翻译)。PBSMT用来生成无监督的短语表 (phrase-table) 。 Facebook的...
最开始的那篇unsupervised neural machine translation的就是用的是两个decoder不共享参数,但是实验效果并不是很好,还有共用encoder的原因是为了将两种语言映射到同一个子空间中。 Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation withWeight Sharing motivation很自然,和上面我的想法是一致的就是认为应该用不同的encoder,因为不同的...
解析 [Phrase-Based Machine Translaton (PBMT) & Rule-Based Machine Translaton (RBMT); 答案: [Phrase-Based Machine Translaton (PBMT) & Rule-Based Machine Translaton (RBMT); Example-Based Machine Translaton (EBMT); Statistical Machine Translation (SMT); Neural Machine Translation (NMT)]...
Neural Phrase-Based Machine Translation Po-Sen Huang, Chong Wang, Denny Zhou, Li Deng June 2017 arXiv preprint 论文与出版物 In this paper, we propose Neural Phrase-based Machine Translation (NPMT). Our method explicitly models the phrase structures in output sequences through Sleep-WAke Networks...
In this paper, we propose a new phrase-based translation model based on inter-lingual triggers. The originality of our method is double. First we identify common source phrases. Then we use inter-lingual triggers in order to retrieve their translations. Furthermore, we consider the way of ex...
网络基于短语的统计机器翻译 网络释义 1. 基于短语的统计机器翻译 基于句法的统计机器... ... )phrase-based statistical machine translation基于短语的统计机器翻译) EBMT 基于实例的机器翻译 ...|基于3个网页
Phrase-Based and Factored Statistical Machine TranslationPhilipp Koehn
Machine Learning Approaches for Bangla Statistical Machine Translation In semi-supervised settings, reversed model approach outperformed all other approaches for Bangla-English SMT, and in active learning setting, geometric 4-gram and geometric phrase sentence selection strategies proved most useful based on...
Khalil Sima'an 2006 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop|December 2006 Published by IEEE 论文与出版物 Phrase-based statistical machine translation (PBSMT) systems represent the dominant approach in MT today. However, unlike systems in other paradigms, it has proven difficult to date to in...