Phrasal Verbs的常见类型及示例 Phrasal verbs可以根据其构成成分的不同,分为几种常见的类型。首先是动词+介词的组合,如'look after'、'put off'等。这类Phrasal verbs通常表示一种动作或状态的方向、位置或关系。其次是动词+副词的组合,如'break down'、'go on'等。这类Phrasal...
newspapers.发现英文杂志、英文报纸。Number five: Next time you get away, which is to travel, use these phrasal verbs!第五,下次您外出旅行时,请使用这些短语动词!So let's recap.让我们回顾一下。Set off, drop off, check in, look around, get away.出发、下车、登记入住、环顾四周、离开。
- 例句:We'll set off for our vacation at 6 AM tomorrow. 以上是一些常用的phrasal verbs的例子,通过这些例子我们可以了解到phrasal verbs的用法和意义。在学习英语时,多积累一些这样的例子可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用phrasal verbs,从而提高我们的语言表达能力。 当学习phrasal verbs时,要注意不同的phrasal verb...
'Fall for; let you down ; carry out; stay in anticipation; set off ; surrender=give in ; fall out ; go in for;back up ; put up with ;' 1. Its so nice to see that Darrelfell for Jane. Fall formean to ‘fall in love with’ 2. I don’t want tolet you down. ‘Let you d...
List of useful phrasal verbs for Travel in English: See off: Go to the airport or station to say goodbye to someone Set off: Start a journey Get in: Arrive (train, plane) Hold up: Delay when travelling Take off: When a plane departs or leaves the ground Check in: Arrive and ...
phrasal verbs-set 010 词汇卡natek9 开始学习 下载mp3 打印 玩检查自己 问题答案 set off/out (e.g. about a journey) 开始学习 start a journey set off 开始学习 explode a bomb set by 开始学习 to save set back 开始学习 postponed (odłożony) ...
3Phrasal verbsReplace the words in brackets withthese verbs in the correct form.check in, catch up with, fill in,get back, get to, get up, go out,keep to, pick up, set off, stay over,stop off(register our arrival as you do innot from the European Union.(started our journey) at...
Phrasal Verbs - FALL_ fall for, fall in, fall behind, fall through..._720p 08:00 Phrasal Verbs with BACK_ 05:45 Phrasal Verbs with CARRY_ 07:05 Phrasal Verbs with PASS_ pass up, pass away, pass out..._720p 08:16 Phrasal Verbs with SET_ set up, set in, set to..._72...
set off.- start a journey:They set off early in the morning. set up.- start or prepare something:The Government is expected to set up an inquiry into allegations of corruption. settle down.- start living a quiet life somewhere:At the age of 32, he decided to stop travelling and settle...
Phrasal Verbs Summary 1、Act for/on before of 代表 Act on 对…有影响、根据(建议、信息)行事 Act out 表演、扮演、充当 Act up 表现不好、出毛病 2、Bear down on 冲向、向…施加压力 Bear on 有关、涉及 Bear out 证明 Bear up 保持振作、承受 Bear ...