Por qué es esencial aprender phrasal verbs con set Los verbos y los phrasal verbs en inglés son imprescindibles en este idioma; más aún, los verbos son pilares esenciales de cualquier lengua. Además, los phrasal verbs y entre ellos los que se forman con el verbo set, son de los ...
Phrasal Verbs with SET_ set up, set in, set to..._720p是【B站最全外教英语合集】油管千万播放量外教教你如何扩大英语词汇量+光速单词2022版 一天秒杀6000单词!!的第87集视频,该合集共计100集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Set up:把东西放在应该放在的地方 Drop off:drop their kids off at school 把某人送到某地(drop sb off sw) Fall behind:落后 Find out与fighre out意思差不多,只不过find out 有听别人说得知新信息,fighrre out 自己找证据 Hand out:分发 Kick back:relax yourself Lay off:使...某人下岗 He was lai...
phrasal verbs-set 010 词汇卡natek9 开始学习 下载mp3 打印 玩检查自己 问题答案 set off/out (e.g. about a journey) 开始学习 start a journey set off 开始学习 explode a bomb set by 开始学习 to save set back 开始学习 postponed (odłożony) ...
所属专辑:快乐英语对话大全 音频列表 1 79.0492_HE_POD_Especially_vs_Specially 21 2023-07 2 80.0491_HE_POD_Phrasal_Verbs_With_SET 28 2023-07 3 81.0490_HE_POD_Fall_Idioms 48 2023-07 4 82.0489_HE_POD_Idioms_And_Phrasal_Verbs_With_Pop ...
Inseparable, Transitive Phrasal Verbs 28.Call on(1) — To visit someone I’llcall onyou this evening to see how you’re feeling. 29.Warm up to— To start liking someone or something more as you spend more time with them The new puppy was scared of my husband when we first got him,...
verbomconpartícula 到英语_美式英语 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) 英语 Finally, many phrasal verbs are combined with both a preposition and a particle. en.wikipedia.org In translation theory, another term for literal translation is metaphrase; and for phrasal (sense) translation paraphrase. ...
所属专辑:learn native english 音频列表 1 045. Mixed Verb Tenses in English Conditionals and IF clauses 495 2018-08 2 046. Phrasal Verbs with SET set up, set in, set to... 524 2018-08 3 047. 10 ways to use the word WAY in English ...
Phrasal verbs are an integral part of the English language and learning them is one of the most challenging tasks for English learners. Some people think it's boring or even impossible to remember them. You try to avoid them but your writing and speaking suffer, looking unnatural and unconvinc...
Ⅰ. Find the meaning of the following phrasal verbs with set.1. The maid set about the business of cleaning the house.___2. He tries to set aside some money every month.___3. They want to set up their own import-export business.___4. News that the claims might be true set off...