The cumulative interpretation variance of the three factors was 63.114%. For rotated component matrix of factor analysis, the coefficients of interest decline, fatigue, mental motor delay, difficulty Table 2 Correlation between items and between each item and the total score Item1 Item2 Item...
Statistical Analyses The PHQ-2 score ranges from 0 to 6, and the PHQ-9 score ranges from 0 to 27. We estimated sensitivity and specificity for all possible PHQ-2 cutoffs (scores 1-6) by reference standard type separately: semistructured diagnostic interviews; fully structured diagnostic intervi...
Therefore, for both MDS measures, we investigated (1) the prevalence, (2) the percentages of overlap between these measures, and (3) the prevalence of single PHQ-9 depression symptoms and the mean and median PHQ-9 sum score. (4) Additionally, we examined the percentage of PHQ-MDS cases ...
(SRQ-20) for the screening of common mental illnesses were administered. Validity and reliability analyses were performed. Results: In total, 19% of the participants had a PHQ-9 total score equal to or higher than the clinical cut-off of 10 for diagnosing depressive disorder. The internal ...