(95% CI 0. 969 ~ 0. 993 ). Conclusion The PHQ - 9 has satisfactory reliability and validity and can be used in adolescents. For screening purposes ,cutoff score of 10 was be recommended. 【Key words 】 PHQ - 9 ;Reliability ;Validity ;Adolescents ; Depression , ( 4 )》(Diagnostic ...
934 , The range of correlation coefficien t of the ten item s w ith the total score of the scale wa s 0. 451 - 0. 693. The sen sitivity of PHQ - 9 wa s 88% , the sp ecificity of PHQ - 9 was 99%. Conclusion : The PHQ - 9 is a reliab le and valid m easu re for...
(r= 0.77).PHQ一9hadanoptimalcutofscoreof10,whichindicatedasensitivityof93.33%andaspecificityof96.83%,withanarea underthecurveof0.984(95%C10.969~0.993).Conclusion ThePHQ一9hassatisfactoryreliabilityandvalidityandCanbe usedinadolescents.Forscreeningpurposes,cutofscoreof10wasberecommended.【Keywords】PHQ一9;...
Patient completes PHQ-9 Quick Depression Assessment.2. If there are at least 4 ✓s in the shaded section (including Questions #1 and #2), consider a depressivedisorder. Add score to determine severity.- if there are at least 5 ✓s in the shaded section (one of which corresponds to ...
PHQ-9 Score Provisional Diagnosis Treatment Recommendation Patient Preferences should be considered 5-9 Minimal Symptoms* Support, educate to call if worse, return in one month 10-14 Minor depression ++ Support, watchful waiting Dysthymia* Antidepressant or psychotherapy Major Depression, mild ...
(61.1 )、大专 表 1 PltQ-9各条 目间及各条 目与总分的相关性 Tab1 Thecorrelationbetweeneachitem andthatbetweentotalscoreofPHQ-9 Item 1 1.000 Item 2 0.579(】) 1.000 Item 3 0.512(” 0.563~1) 1.000 Item 4 0.463(” 0 551(” 0.609(1) 1.000 . Item 5 0.452(1) 0 495(” 0.539(1) 0...
PHQ-9PatientDepressionQuestionnaire Forinitialdiagnosis: 1.PatientcompletesPHQ-9QuickDepressionAssessment. 2.Ifthereareatleast4sintheshadedsection(includingQuestions#1and#2),consideradepressive disorder.Addscoretodetermineseverity. ConsiderMajorDepressiveDisorder ...
The score of 3 of PHQ-2 showed the highest Youden's index of 0.79, with both sensitivity and specificity were 0.90 and the AUC was 0.94 (95% CI: 0.90–0.97). Conclusions Both PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 are valid screening instruments for depression in the rural elderly in ...
患者健康调查问卷- 9 (PHQ-9) - phqscreeners