This function converts first letter in uppercase of the string.Example<?php echo ucfirst("hello friend"); //output: Hello friends ?> PHP - ucwords ()This function converts each first character of all words in uppercase.Example<?php echo ucwords("how are you"); //Output: How Are You...
firstcharacterinthestringtextyoupassas theargument.Theexampleshowsthatitdoesnotprovideanyerror correctionorsearchingforthefirstletterinthestringdata. ~~~Programthatuppercasesfirstletter(PHP)~~~Outputoftheprogram~~~ (Notehownothingischangedifthefirstcharacterisnotaletter.) Perls _string Callingucfirstfunction...
ucwords() – To convert the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase letters. Example: PHP Case Conversion <?php$str="welcome to PHPPOT";// Output: WELCOME TO PHPPOTecho$uppercase=strtoupper($str);// Output: welcome to phppotecho$lowercase=strtolower($str);// Output: Welc...
$string = ‘Hello, PHP!’; $firstLetter = $string[0]; // $firstLetter 的值为 ‘H’ 6. 字符串函数: PHP提供了许多有用的字符串函数,用于处理和操作字符串。例如: $str = ‘Hello, World!’; $uppercase = strtoupper($str); // $uppercase 的值为 ‘HELLO, WORLD!’ 7. 字符编码: 在PHP...
//The strtoupper() function converts a string to uppercase. $name = strtoupper($this->name); //prefixes that needs to be removed from the name $remove = ['.', 'MRS', 'MISS', 'MS', 'MASTER', 'DR', 'MR']; $nameWithoutPrefix=str_replace($remove," ",$name);...
The ucfirst() function is used to convert the first character of the string into the uppercase. It is an in-built function of PHP, which takes a string as input and converts only the first letter of that string to uppercase. This function converts only the first character of the string...
Converting a string to lowercase: use Devdojo\Strupper\Strupper; $str = "Hello World!"; $result = Strupper::lowercase($str); echo $result; Output: hello world! Capitalizing the first letter of each word: use Devdojo\Strupper\Strupper; $str = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy do...
string with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase. Examples ¶ Example #1 mb_strtoupper() example <?php$str = "Mary Had A Little Lamb and She LOVED It So";$str = mb_strtoupper($str);echo $str; // Prints MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB AND SHE LOVED IT SO?> Example #2 mb_str...
My version, converst first letter of the first word in the string to uppercase public function mb_ucfirst($str) { $aParts = explode(" ",$str); $firstWord = mb_convert_case($aParts[0],MB_CASE_TITLE,"UTF-8"); unset($aParts[0]); return $firstWord." ".implode(" ",$aParts)...