PHP - Converting a string to uppercaseTo convert a given string to uppercase in PHP, we use strtoupper() method.strtoupper() FunctionThis method takes a string in any case as an argument and returns uppercase string.Syntaxstrtoupper(string) ...
<?php echo mb_strtolower('PASIÓN'); ?> #output: pasión How to convert string to uppercase in PHP? To convert a PHP string to uppercase, you can use the strtoupper() function: PHP String to Uppercase Example <?php echo strtoupper('php string'); ?> #output: PHP STRING See also...
String String.ToUpper(); C# program to convert string to uppercase usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.Linq;usingSystem.Text;namespaceConsoleApplication1{classProgram{staticvoidMain() { String str1; String str2; Console.Write("Enter string : "); ...
The function returns a string value with all the characters in the given string converted to lowercase. Examples 1. Convert string to lowercase In this example, we will take a stringstrthat has some uppercase characters. We convert this string to lowercase and print it. PHP Program </> Copy...
mb_convert_case ( string $str , int $mode [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ] ) : string 对一个 string 进行大小写转换,转换模式由 mode 指定。 参数 str 要被转换的 string。 mode 转换的模式。它可以是 MB_CASE_UPPER、 MB_CASE_LOWER 和MB_CASE_TITLE 的其中一个。 encoding ...
This article will explain several C++ methods of how to convert a string to uppercase.Use std::transform() and std::toupper() to Convert String to Uppercasestd::transform method is from the STL <algorithm> library, and it can apply the given function to a range. In this example, we ...
Back in the MS-DOS epoch, thevalueof the PATH variable used to be all upper case, at least when set using the PATHcommand. In order to use this feature on another string, you had to save the PATH to another temporary variable, then use thePATHcommandto save the string to be converte...
string mb_convert_encoding ( string str, string to_encoding [, mixed from_encoding] ) 需要先enable mbstring 扩展库,在 php.ini里将; extension=php_mbstring.dll 前面的 ; 去掉 mb_convert_encoding 可以指定多种输入编码,它会根据内容自动识别,但是执行效率比iconv差太多; ...
(The regular expression used in the example above is the default one.)By default Slugify will convert the slug to lowercase. If you want to preserve the case of the string you can set the lowercase option to false.$slugify = new Slugify(['lowercase' => false]); $slugify->slugify('...
strings. We have two strings with a single character in each.string1has a lowercasea. we useStringUtils.capitalize()and passstring1as the argument to convert it to uppercase.string2has an uppercaseB. We can useStringUtils.lowerCase()and passstring2as an argument to convert it to lowercase....