privatefunctionbirthdaysCalendar(){// require the classrequire_onceFRAMEWORK_PATH .'lib/calendar/calendar.class.php';// set the default month and year, i.e. the current month and year$m = date('m'); $y = date('Y');// check for a different Month / Year (i.e. user has moved to...
$pool->setQualifier("MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(e.published))","eq", $calendar['month'],true); $result = $pool->getAll("DAYOFMONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(e.published))",array('filter'=>'distinct','usedbcache'=>true,'cacheprefix'=>'entry'));break; }if($result) {foreach($resultas$dayArray) {...
输出2015年2月份的天数 Date对象月份从0开始,即0表示1月份,以此类推。..., month, 0); return d.getDate(); } 在使用时传入想要获取的年份和月份即可,如下: var totalDay = mGetDate(2004,2);...如果要获取当前月份天数: function mGetDate(){ var date = new Date(); var year = date.getFull...
getNamespace() 函数获取在 XML 文档中使用的命名空间。 getName() 函数从 SimpleXMLElement 对象获取 XML 元素的名称。 getDocNamespaces() 函数从 SimpleXMLElement 对象返回在 XML 文档中声明的命名空间。 children() 函数获取指定节点的子节点。 attributes() 函数获取 SimpleXML 元素的属性。
date_get_last_errors 返回解析日期字符串时找到的警告 / 错误 Calendar 日历信息、月、星期、时间戳 函数名描述 cal_info 返回选定历法的信息 cal_days_in_month 返回某个历法中某年中某月的天数 JDDayOfWeek 返回星期的日期 JDMonthName 返回月份的名称 jdtounix 转变Julian Day计数为一个Unix时间戳 unixtojd ...
php$point1=array('lat' => 40.770623, 'long' => -73.964367);$point2=array('lat' => 40.758224, 'long' => -73.917404);$distance= getDistanceBetweenPointsNew($point1['lat'],$point1['long'],$point2['lat'],$point2['long']);foreach($distanceas$unit=>$value) {echo$unit.': '....
To get current month using DateTime class, follow the two steps- Create an object of DateTime() class. When you use DateTIme() class without any parameter, it represents the current time. Then, useformat() methodof the DateTime() class to retrieve the year from the newly created object. ...
Name the three conditional statement types. What command can you use to skip the current iteration of a loop and move on to the next one? Why is aforloop more powerful than awhileloop? How doifandwhilestatements interpret conditional expressions of different data types?
fixed: Locale displayed wrong month name (#34) Changed the order of weekdays within locale files1.7.1added: getWeekdayNameLong() getWeekdayNameShort() getMonthNameLong() getMonthNameShort()1.7.0added: Locale: Thai 1.6.0added: Locale MomentFromVo: getMonths() getYears() getRelative()...