$currentMonth = date(‘m’); //获取当前月份 $nextMonth = date(‘m’, strtotime(‘+1 month’)); //获取下个月份 $firstDayofNextMonth = date(‘Y-m-d’, strtotime($currentYear . ‘-‘ . $nextMonth . ‘-01’)); //获取下个月份的第一天 $lastDayofCurrentMonth = date(‘t’, st...
date('Y-m-d'));// Get current year and month depending on possible GET parametersif(isset($_GET['month'])) {list($iMonth,$iYear) =explode('-',$_GET['month']);$iMonth= (int)$iMonth;$iYear= (int)$iYear;
//Set the current month/year/day // We use this to determine the "today" date $cur_year=date("Y",$this->local_time); $cur_month=date("m",$this->local_time); $cur_day=date("j",$this->local_time); $is_current_month= ($cur_year==$yearAND$cur_month==$month) ?TRUE:FALSE...
$currentYear = date('Y'); echo $currentYear; 这里的'Y'是date()函数的格式化选项之一,用于表示四位数的年份(例如:2023)。 基础概念 日期和时间函数:PHP提供了丰富的日期和时间处理函数,允许开发者获取、格式化和操作日期和时间。 格式化字符串:date()函数使用特定的格式化字符串来指定输出日期和时间的格式。
"-". "1";//get the current year and month, join it with firstday of the month $day=strtotime($first);//get the timestamp value of $first $firstday= date("w",$day);//get the numeric representation of the firstday in the month $hasdaystarted=false; //have we reached the first...
year 年份 0 时间戳即从1970年1月1日到现在的秒数 yday 一年中数字形式的日期 3. boolean checkdate(integer month,integer day,integer year) 该函数检查日期是否合法.如: ? 1 2 3 4 <? if(checkdate(2,29,1980)) print("日期合法!n");
php // 获取当前日期 $currentDate = new DateTime(); // 获取最近一周的日期范围 $oneWeekAgo = $currentDate->sub(new DateInterval('P7D')); // 格式化日期为年份 $currentYear = $currentDate->format('Y'); $oneWeekAgoYear = $oneWeekAgo->format('Y'); echo "当前年份: " . $currentYear...
$query->select("schedule.*")->from(TABLE_SCHEDULE ." as schedule")->condition("schedule.id=".$this->getId() ." and schedule.year=". CUtils::getCurrentYear()->getId() ." and schedule.month=". CUtils::getCurrentYearPart()->getId());foreach($query->execute()->getItems()as$item...
示例1: getCalendar ▲点赞 6▼ functiongetCalendar($blogid, $period){global$database; $calendar =array('days'=>array());if($period ===true|| !checkPeriod($period)) { $period = Timestamp::getYearMonth(); } $calendar['period'] = $period; ...
To get current month using DateTime class, follow the two steps- Create an object of DateTime() class. When you use DateTIme() class without any parameter, it represents the current time. Then, useformat() methodof the DateTime() class to retrieve the year from the newly created object. ...