统计栏目数据有效数据: {php echo \Phpcmf\Service::M()->db->table('1_news_index')->where('status=9')->countAllResults();} 今日数据: {php echo \Phpcmf\Service::M()->db->table('1_news_index')->where('status=9')->where('DATEDIFF(from_unixtime(inputtime),now())=0')->countA...
('', false) to keep query instead of using `clone`$count=$countQuery->count_all_results();// Initialize a Data Pagination with previous count number$pagination=new\yidas\data\Pagination(['totalCount'=>$count, ]);// Get range data for the current page$records=$query->offset($pagination...
1. 使用SQL的COUNT()函数:可以使用SQL查询来获取数据库中的记录条数。首先,需要连接到数据库,然后执行一个查询,将COUNT()函数应用于需要计数的字段,并将结果保存到一个变量中。 示例代码如下: “`php // 连接到数据库 $conn = mysqli_connect(‘服务器地址’, ‘用户名’, ‘密码’, ‘数据库名’); /...
$results =search_results($keyword); $results_num = count($results); $i =1; $limit =2; $counter =1;if($results_num >0) {echo"Your search for ". $keyword ." returned ". $results_num ." results.";echo"\r\n\t\t\tSort : ";if($sort =="") {echo"Relevence"; }else{echo"...
the client. After the query execution all results are fetched from the MySQL Server and stored in a cache on the client. The big advantage of buffered result sets is that they allow the server to free all resources allocated to a result set, once the results have been fetched by the ...
Bug: calling countAllResults after find($id) produce wrong result #2705 Bug: $routes->cli() accessible via web browser if autoroute is true #2704 Bug: Controllers and Views in subdirectories not working #2701 Bug: undefined model method should throw exception #2688 Bug: The custom error co...
This function makes the next result set, row count, or output parameter of an active statement available for reading. The code below demonstrates how to use sqlsrv_next_result to move through results. The code here is taken from the Example Application in the product documentation and ...
《PHP程序开发参考手册》是2013年8月机械工业出版社出版的图书,作者是张鑫、辛洪郁。内容简介 本书是一本PHP综合查询参考手册,包含PHP Web开发中应用的各种语句、函数、类及其方法。本书分为5篇,共30章。第一篇是PHP基础篇,其中包括语句、经典类、数组函数库、类和对象函数库、日期时间函数库;第二篇是文件...
ORDER BY ReviewDate DESC"; $getReviews = $conn->prepare( $tsql); $getReviews->execute(array($productID)); $reviews = $getReviews->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $reviewCount = count($reviews); if($reviewCount > 0 ) { foreach($reviews as $row) { $name = $row[0]; $date = $ro...
($conn, "select count(*) c from mytable"); oci_execute($stid); oci_fetch_all($stid, $res); echo "Number of rows: ", $res['C'][0], ""; } function do_delete($conn) { $stmt = "delete from mytable"; $s = oci_parse($conn, $stmt); $r = oci_execute($s); } // ...