$total_rows = $my_test_db->get_results($query->count_qy_results(),'ARRAY_N');if(count($total_rows) ==0) {return"The query returned no data"."Please check the DB connectivity or your SQL query syntax"; } $total_rows = intval($total_rows[0][0]);//get query resultset$my_tes...
Bug: SQL Error when countAllResults, groupBy and DBPrefix used together #3651 Bug: helper current_url() return wrong protocol #3648 Bug: IncomingRequest::setLocale() #3640 CodeIgniter\Database\Exceptions\DatabaseException #8 Unable to connect to the database. #3639 Bug: Cannot use view filter...
(count($X)); // standard error of kurtosis // Standard error of the mean (SEM) $sem = RandomVariable::standardErrorOfTheMean($X); // same as sem $sem = RandomVariable::sem($X); // same as standardErrorOfTheMean // Confidence interval $μ = 90; // sample mean $n = 9; /...
The SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP provides the sqlsrv_next_result function for moving forward through multiple results returned by batch queries or stored procedures. This function makes the next result set, row count, or output parameter of an active statement available for reading. The code ...
+ '%' AND ListPrice > 0.0"; $getProducts = $conn->prepare($tsql); $getProducts->execute($params); $products = $getProducts->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $productCount = count($products); if($productCount > 0) { BeginProductsTable($productCount); foreach( $products as $row ) {...
These inspections detect bloated classes based on three metrics: TCC (Tight Class Cohesion), a measure of class cohesiveness; WMC (Weighted Method Count), the sum of cyclomatic complexities for all methods in the class; and ATFD (Access To Foreign Data), the number of fields from another cla...
($conn, "select count(*) c from mytable"); oci_execute($stid); oci_fetch_all($stid, $res); echo "Number of rows: ", $res['C'][0], ""; } function do_delete($conn) { $stmt = "delete from mytable"; $s = oci_parse($conn, $stmt); $r = oci_execute($s); } // ...
Suppose you need to square all of the numbers in an array. An imperative program follows these steps:1 $array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; 2 3 for($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { 4 $array[$i] = pow($array[$i], 2); 5 } 6 7 $array; //-> ...
The Locations, Imagery, and Routes APIs can be accessed using specially formatted URLs that contain all parameters required to get the requested information. Both of these APIs will return results in an HTTP message that may contain either JSON or XML....