The fastest and shortest way to check whether a number is odd or even is the simple bit checking like this:$n & 1 Copy Here is an example:<?php if ($num & 1) { //odd } else { //even } ?> Copy About Odd and Even Numbers...
0.5 - Number is a decimal 0.12 - Number is a decimal 0.56 - Number is a decimal 1 - Number is a decimal 10 - Number is a decimal Apples - Number is NOT a decimal -13.4 - Number is a decimal -5.1217893412349 - Number is a decimal 10000000 - Number is a decimal 1e7 - Number is...
在PHP中可以通过throw关键字来抛出一个异常,如果要捕获和处理异常需要try...catch代码块来完成。 function checkNum($number){ if(Tnumber>1){ //抛出异常 throw new Exception("Balue must be I or below"); } return true; } //可能触发异常的代码 try{ checkNum(2); } //抛出异常 catch(Exception ...
复制 dd();functioncheckNum($number){if($number>1){thrownewException("Value must be 1 or below");}returntrue;}functiondd(){try{checkNum(2);//If the exception is thrown, this text will not be shownecho'If you see this, the number is 1 or below';}catch(Exception $e){echo'Message...
Check if number is even$isNumberEven = Recipe::isNumberEven(8); var_dump($isNumberEven); // outputs: boolGet Current URL$currentURL = Recipe::getCurrentURL(); var_dump($currentURL); // outputs: current Request URLGet Client IP$ClientsIP = Recipe::getClientIP(); echo $ClientsIP; //...
}elseif(isset($_GET['id_r']) && validate::checkNaturalNumber($_GET['id_r'])) { $response =array('success'=>false,'error'=> ERROR_UNABLE_PERFORM_OPERATION); $regions =newregions(); $region = $regions->retCategorysByIds($_GET['id_r']);if(!empty($region[$_GET['id_r']])...
The command outputs the PHP version number, build date, and copyright information. Note:If there is more than one PHP version installed on the server, thephp -vcommand shows the default command-line interface (CLI) version. This version is not necessarily the one that runs on hosted websites...
This parameter can also be use to specify a SQL Server instance or a port number. For example: $serverName = "myServer\instanceName"; -or- $serverName = "myServer, 1521"; · $connectionOptions - This optional parameter is an array of key-value pairs that set options on the connection...
if(!$this->request->isPost()||!$this->request->isAjax())returnshow(config("status.error"),"非法请求");$phoneNumber=input("phone_number",'','trim');$code=input("code",0,"intval"); validate 验证器 验证参数 验证 用户输入的 code !== redis中的该手机号对应的 code ...