functiondo_sidebar_top(){global$db, $dblang, $range_values, $range_names;echo''."\n";echo''."\n";echo''."\n";echo''."\n";echo''."\n";if(!($current_range =check_integer('range')) || $current_range <1|| $current_range >= count($range_values)) { $current_range =0;...
}if($this->scalar && !Assert::checkScalar($id) || !$this->scalar && !Assert::checkInteger($id)) {if(!$this->isIgnoreWrong()) {returnfalse; }else{continue; }//just skip it} $values[] = $id; } $objectList =$this->dao()->getListByIds($values);if((count($objectList) == ...
<?php highlight_file(__FILE__); class A { public $a; public $b; public $c; public function __construct() { $this->a=$_GET['a']; $this->b="noflag"; $this->c=$_GET['c']; } public function check() { if ($this->b==="123") { echo "flag{123dddd}"; } else if ...
persistent (integer, should be 1 or 0): defines if a persistent connection should be used. prefix (string, defaults to "PHPREDIS_SESSION:"): used as a prefix to the Redis key in which the session is stored. The key is composed of the prefix followed by the session ID. auth (string...
String(字符串), Integer(整型), Float(浮点型), Boolean(布尔型), Array(数组), Object(对象), NULL(空值)。 字符串 你可以将任何文本放在单引号和双引号中: <?php $x="Hello world!";echo $x;echo"";$x='Hello world!';//单引号 包括字符串字面量 双引号包含的字符串 可包含变量echo $x;?> ...
integer 验证字段是否为整数 float 验证字段是否为浮点型 boolean 或 bool 验证字段是否为布尔值 email 验证字段是否符合邮箱格式 array 验证字段是否为数组 date 验证字段是否为有效的日期 alpha 验证字段是否为纯字母 alphaNum 验证字段是否为字母+数字混合
1、require验证某个字段必须2、number验证某个字段的值是否是纯数字3、integer验证某个字段的值是否为整数4、float验证某个字段的值是否为浮点数字5、boolean验证某个字段的值是否为布尔值6、email 验证某个字段的值是否为email地址7、array验证某个字段的值是否为数组8、accepted 验证某个字段是否为为 yes, on, ...
(is_object($params[1])&&method_exists($params[1],'__toString'))){trigger_error('array_column(): The column key should be either a string or an integer',E_USER_WARNING);returnfalse;}if(isset($params[2])&&!is_int($params[2])&&!is_float($params[2])&&!is_string($params[2])...
type arrtype is table of varchar2(20) index by pls_integer; procedure selbulk(p1 out arrtype);end fetchperfpkg;/create or replace package body fetchperfpkg as procedure selbulk(p1 out arrtype) is begin select mycol bulk collect into p1 from bigtab; end selbulk;end fetchperfpkg;/show ...
if dataType == "array":params[i] = "array('a')"infered.append("\033[31mARRAY")if dataType == "callback":params[i] = "'var_dump'"infered.append("\033[33mCALLABLE")if dataType == "int":params[i] = "1337"infered.append("\033[36mINTEGER")i += 1#print(params)except:if ...