Apples - Number is not a decimal -13.4 - Number is a decimal -5.1217893412349 - Number is a decimal 10000000 - Number is not a decimal 1e7 - Number is not a decimal 1.2 - Number is a decimal <?PHP $os = "abc $ 123.4 + - wowoow#"; function CheckThisNumber($os) { /* first ...
To check if a number is not a divisible of another number, we can use the modulo operator%but the remainder of first number by second number is not equal to 0. Here is an example: if(25%10!=0){echo"25 is not divisible by 10";} ...
The single parameter this function has takes in the value you want to check if it is numeric. In addition, this function will return a Boolean value (true or false). If the value is a number or a numeric string, the function will returntrue. Otherwise, this function will returnfalse. H...
This is a short snippet that explains how to check whether a number is odd or even in PHP. Check out the handy methods and examples of our tutorial.
function nBetween($varToCheck, $high, $low) { if($varToCheck < $low) return false; if($varToCheck > $high) return false; return true; } You can then simply call this function as needed, if (numberBetween(35, 100, 20)) { echo 'The number is in the range!'; } else { echo...
Check if the type of a variable is integerCheck if the type of a variable is floatCheck if a numeric value is finite or infiniteInvalid calculation will return a NaN valueCheck if a variable is numericCast float and string to integer ...
// 创建一个有异常处理的函数 function checkNum($number) { if($number>1) { throw new Exception("变量值必须小于等于 1"); } return true; } // 在 try 块 触发异常 try { checkNum(2); // 如果抛出异常,以下文本不会输出 echo '如果输出该内容,说明 $number 变量'; } // 捕获异常 catch(Ex...
}elseif(!empty($arrActPage['citys'])) {// еслипередан idif(!empty($_GET['id']) && validate::checkNaturalNumber($_GET['id']) && !empty($arrDataCitys[$_GET['id']]) && is_array($arrDataCitys[$_GET['id']])) {if(!empty($_GET['tId']) && !in_array($...
$txt1="Learn PHP";$txt2="";$cars=array("Volvo","BMW","Toyota");echo $txt1;echo"";echo"Study PHP at $txt2";//php 双引号内部可包含变量echo"My car is a {$cars[0]}";//用大括号 显式的指定这是变量$txt1="Learn PHP";$txt2="";$cars=array("Volvo","BMW...
elseif/else if 流程控制的替代语法 while do-while for foreach break continue switch declare return require include require_once include_once goto 函数 用户自定义函数 函数的参数 返回值 可变函数 内部(内置)函数 匿名函数 类与对象 简介 基本概念 属性 类常量 类的自动加载 构造函数和析构函数 访问控制(...