.., $modelN]; // Create a private conversation $conversation = Chat::createConversation($participants)->makePrivate(); // Create a public conversation $conversation = Chat::createConversation($participants)->makePrivate(false); // Create a direct message // Make direct conversation after ...
git clone https://github.com/php-kchat/kchat.git Install Composer composer install OR Download Zip and Extract to your Web Directory Install Composer composer install OR Using with Composer composer create-project php-kchat/kchat Run following command to complete installation Create .env...
放置完成脚本在/etc/bash_completion.d/: curl-L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yiisoft/yii2/master/contrib/completion/bash/yii -o /etc/bash_completion.d/yii 对于临时使用,您可以将文件放入当前目录,并通过source yii将其包含在当前会话中。 如果全局安装,您可能需要重新启动终端或source ~/.bashrc来...
WorkerMan 开源高性能异步PHP socket框架 http://doc2.workerman.net/ EasyWeChat 开源的 微信 非官方 SDK https://www.easywechat.com/docs git 分布式版本控制系统 https://www.runoob.com/git/git-tutorial.html前端技术技术说明官网 Vue 前端框架 https://vuejs.org/ Axios 前端HTTP框架 https://github....
根据wunderwuzzi 的博客介绍,提示注入是一种将恶意指令嵌入 AI 模型处理的文本或网页内容中的技术。对于 ChatGPT Operator,这种攻击涉及以下步骤: 1. 通过提示注入劫持 Operator:恶意指令托管在 GitHub Issues 等平台或嵌入到网站文本中。 2. 导航至敏感页面:攻击者诱骗 Operator 访问包含敏感个人信息(如电子邮件或电...
Setup PHP- A GitHub Action for PHP. Libraries for generating project documentation. APIGen- Another API documentation generator. daux.io- A documentation generator which uses Markdown files. PHP Documentor 2- A documentation generator. phpDox- A documentation generator for PHP projects (that is not...
nasirkhan/laravel-starter– A CMS-like modular starter application project built with Laravel 10.x. Laravel Security Middlewareby Steve (King) McDougall. Top 10 Laravel Audit Security Issuesby Stephen Rees-Carter. Laravel Queues with Other Languagesby Chris Fidao. ...
开发者ID:fishling,项目名称:chatPro,代码行数:11,代码来源:functions.php 示例9: User_nforge ▲点赞 1▼ functionUser_nforge($id =''){if($id) {$this->setID($id); $u =& user_get_object_by_name($id); }else{ $u =& user_get_object(user_getid());if($uandis_object($u)and!
You can find the source code on GitHub. Why You Need Live Chat on Your Website Live chat is a hassle-free and easy way for customers to reach you. It not only saves time but also provides the instant answers they seek. Live chat enhances their experience, which translates into customer...
constCONFIG={url:'https://api.example.com',timeout:5000};CONFIG.url='https://api2.example.com';// Toto funguje!CONFIG={url:'https://api2.example.com'};// Toto vyhodí TypeError! Copy Pokud potřebujete skutečně neměnný objekt, musíte jejnejprve zmrazit. ...