GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
ChatApp v1.1 ChatApp is a project that I started to improve my Android Development knowledge. Later on I have decided to make it public, open source and publish it on Play Store. It usesFirebase'sAuthentication/Database/Storage/Messaging/CrashReporting libraries for it's implementation and seve...
我们采用最新稳定版Android Studio及对应的gradle进行开发,对于旧版本的IDE,我们没有测试,编译之类问题,需自行解决。 二次开发说明 野火IM采用bugly作为日志手机工具,大家二次开发时,务必将MyApp.java中的bugly id替换为你们自己的,否则错误日志都跑我们这儿来了,你们收集不到错误日志,我们也会受到干扰。 混淆说明 确...
curl -o- | bash Once the chat client is installed, simply run simplex-chat from your terminal. Read more about installing and using the terminal app. SimpleX Platform design SimpleX is a client-server network with ...
The last three blogs have been about exploring the OpenAI APIcompletion,edit, andimageendpoints from Android, using HttpClient and crafting JSON requests and responses. This post is about implementing thechatAPI in an Android app, using the open-source client libraryopenai-kotlin on GitHub. The li...
准备工作安装 Github Copilot Chat 插件启动插件配置 Github 账号创建新项目编辑布局文件添加代码逻辑运行项目测试项目 步骤及代码示例 1. 准备工作 在开始之前,确保你已经安装了最新版本的 Android Studio,并且拥有一个可用的 Github 帐户。 2. 安装 Github Copilot Chat 插件 ...
In this tutorial, we'll create a real-time group chat for Android using theScaledrone Java API Client. The functionality will closely resemble that of popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Signal. You can find the complete source code onGitHub. ...
GitHub Copilot Chat移动端免费开放! | 重磅福利!GitHub Copilot Chat正式登陆移动端,现在完全免费使用!🚀无论是通勤路上改代码,还是出差途中头脑风暴,这款AI编程助手都能让你随时高效协作。支持iOS和Android双平台,点击下方链接立即体验智能编程新姿势👉立即下载GitHub Mobile应用 ...
briefcase run android IV. 开发过程 当写这部分时,ChatGPT罢工了!不靠谱呀! 我自己来吧! 4.1 创建项目 通过如下命令,创建一个新项目,名字随便启。我的叫:netpy38v2 代码语言:javascript 复制 briefcasenew 生成的文件如下:(以helloword项目为例:)
7.Geek Chat GitHub - geeker-ai/geek_chat: GeekChat is a app for multiple cutting-edge LLM(ChatGPT) models that available on Desktop(Win,Mac) and Mobile(Android, iOS)编辑于 2023-12-16 21:15・IP 属地河南 ...