Camel case or snake case notation is commonly used for variable and function names, while Pascal case is used for class names. 2. Comments and Documentation: Comments are an integral part of code documentation and help other programmers understand the purpose and functionality of different code ...
Eloquent 为获取和设置模型的属性提供了一种便利的方式。简单的在模型中定义一个 getFooAttribute 函数声明一个访问器。记住,这个函数应该遵循 "camel-casing" 拼写格式,即使您的数据库使用 "snake-case":定义一个访问器class User extends Eloquent { public function getFirstNameAttribute($value) { return ucfirst...
Phpmig can generate migrations using the generate command. Migration files are named versionnumber_name.php, where version number is made up of 0-9 and name is CamelCase or snake_case. Each migration file should contain a class with the same name as the file in CamelCase. ...
[camel_case](#method-camel-case) [class_basename](#method-class-basename) [e](#method-e) [ends_with](#method-ends-with) [snake_case](#method-snake-case) [str_limit](#method-str-limit) [starts_with](#method-starts-with) [str_contains](#method-str-contains) [str_finish](#method-...
Phpmig can generate migrations using the generate command. Migration files are named versionnumber_name.php, where version number is made up of 0-9 and name is CamelCase or snake_case. Each migration file should contain a class with the same name as the file in CamelCase. ...
Now you can adjust the naming style by choosing betweencamelCase()andsnake_case(). The order in which getters and setters are generated is also configurable now. Both options are available in settings underEditor | Code Style | PHPon theCode Generationtab. ...
CtrlShift0N: finds any file or directory by name (supports CamelCase and snake_case). note If you have a directory or a file that you excluded from your project, PhpStorm will not include it in the search process. CtrlAltShift0N: finds a symbol. CtrlShift0A: finds an action by ...
IDEA phpstorm插件CamelCase 【大小写,下划线,驼峰,首字母大写等转化工具】,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。