Phpmig can generate migrations using the generate command. Migration files are named versionnumber_name.php, where version number is made up of 0-9 and name is CamelCase or snake_case. Each migration file should contain a class with the same name as the file in CamelCase. ...
Eloquent 为获取和设置模型的属性提供了一种便利的方式。简单的在模型中定义一个 getFooAttribute 函数声明一个访问器。记住,这个函数应该遵循 "camel-casing" 拼写格式,即使您的数据库使用 "snake-case":定义一个访问器class User extends Eloquent { public function getFirstNameAttribute($value) { return ucfirst...
The Str::camel method converts the given string to camelCase:use Illuminate\Support\Str; $converted = Str::camel('foo_bar'); // 'fooBar'Str::charAt()The Str::charAt method returns the character at the specified index. If the index is out of bounds, false is returned:use Illuminate\...
CtrlShift0N: finds any file or directory by name (supports CamelCase and snake_case). note If you have a directory or a file that you excluded from your project, PhpStorm will not include it in the search process. CtrlAltShift0N: finds a symbol. CtrlShift0A: finds an action by ...
In case of CamelCase or snake_case names, type the initial letters only. PhpStorm automatically recognizes and matches the initial letters. Accept a suggestion You can accept a suggestion from the list in one of the following ways: Press Enter or double-click a list item to insert it ...
IDEA phpstorm插件CamelCase 【大小写,下划线,驼峰,首字母大写等转化工具】,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
camel_case Convert the given string tocamelCase. $camel=camel_case('foo_bar');// fooBar class_basename Get the class name of the given class, without any namespace names. $class=class_basename('Foo\Bar\Baz');// Baz e Runhtmlentitiesover the given string, with UTF-8 support. ...
1$snake = snake_case('fooBar'); 2 3// foo_barstr_limit()The str_limit function limits the number of characters in a string. The function accepts a string as its first argument and the maximum number of resulting characters as its second argument:1$value = str_limit('The PHP ...
Convert to camelCase: toCamelCase Convert to snake_case: toSnakeCase Convert value to unsigned base256 int: packUnsignedInt Converts a string into an async amphp stream: stringToStream Create a business chat deep link »: account.createBusinessChatLink Create a forum topic; requires manage_to...