photoshop总出现这个毛病(Diskerror-1occurredwhilereadingorwritingtoascratchdisk,sorry,butthiserrorisunrecoverable.)我一共有四个盘符,C盘是系统盘不安任何操作软件(软件的职行... photoshop总出现这个毛病(Disk error-1 occurred while reading or writing to a scratch disk,sorry,but this error isunre cover abl...
读写交换文件时,出现磁盘错误1。很遗憾,此错误不可恢复。硬盘可能有坏道 重新设置交换文件的位置 最好是交换文件不在系统所在的硬盘(至少两块物理硬盘)
读写交换文件时,出现磁盘错误1。很遗憾,此错误不可恢复。硬盘可能有坏道 重新设置交换文件的位置 最好是交换文件不在系统所在的硬盘(至少两块物理硬盘)
在极少数情况下,当 Photoshop 或系统崩溃时,Photoshop 的首选项文件可能会损坏,这会影响 Photoshop 对暂存盘的处理。重置 Photoshop 的首选项,然后重新配置暂存盘首选项可解决“暂存盘已满”错误。 要了解更多信息,请参阅重置 Photoshop 中的首选项。 更多此类内容 ...
ServiceACL::DoPerform:无法分配 SID。错误:<last-errorDF038> 服务ACL 命令失败。DS - 部署源错误 错误代码 记录的错误消息 原因 解决方案 DS001 未能将磁盘映像挂载到 <path to disk>。请确认该磁盘映像未损坏。 未能挂载该磁盘映像。安装包可能已损坏。 重新插入或挂载磁盘。 DS002 资源受到保护,但未提供...
CAN'T OPEN PHOTSHOP FOR IT SAYS "DISK ERROR" what can be the trouble ? TOPICS Creative Cloud Views 2.1K Translate Translate Report Report Reply 1 Correct answer AxelMatt • Community Expert , Mar 05, 2019 schrieb ... what can be the tr...
I am getting a disk error for jpg files -20003. These are files that have existed before, I have opened another file and then tried to save as that name. If I rename it will save fine, if I move the location. I get this error even if I delete that file from that l...
Step 1:Delete any Photoshop caches. To do so, navigate to Edit> Purge. Step 2:In the Purge dialogue, choose the cache types you wish to delete. Part 5: FAQs About Photoshop Scratch Disk Full Error Q1: How much scratch disk space do I need?
I deleted useless things from the disk that contained photoshop, and so freeing about 4gb of space and now i can use it as i did before. When you try to install the Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 update in Windows, the installer returns the error "Component Move Data had the following error Medi...
If you encounter the scratch disk error, you have a few options for clearing space and improving efficiency in Photoshop. Keep reading to learn how to clear a scratch disk in Photoshop. What Is a Scratch Disk? Design software needs a little extra workspace in addition to the RAM (random ...